This nice feedback card from a customer notes, “Staff was always very courteous, friendly, and professional. Thank you for good service and your easy-to-follow website!”

Shannon Weber
When Shorewood branch manager Shannon Weber met her this summer, new customer Della* was retired but having trouble making her monthly payments on the credit card debt that financed her education after a midlife career change. “Her payment covered most of the monthly interest and late fee, and that was it,” Shannon said. “She was so far upside down and did not know how to get out of this hole.”

Greg Kroll
Shannon helped Della apply for a home equity line of credit to consolidate that debt at a 2.99 percent APR, which would have saved Della $300 a month. And when Della was denied for the HELOC, Shannon had a backup plan: She talked to mortgage loan officer Greg Kroll. He was able to offer Della a new 10-year fixed-rate mortgage on essentially the same terms as the HELOC.
“I have seen this happen before, where a customer is not able to get a consumer loan, but is able to get a mortgage,” Greg said. “This will also put the bank in a better position to avoid any issue with her making payments on her current loan.”
After talking to Greg, Della wrote to Shannon: “I am feeling relief and hope and will now prepare for the assessment so we can move forward. I am so aware of the work and care both of you put in to help make this happen. Not sure how I will be able to properly express my gratitude for all of this.”

“I have heard this term before, but now I know what it means,” Greg wrote after Della described him as a mensch. “I’m honored.”
She also said, “Greg, like you, has wings! He is most certainly a mensch. He explained everything I needed to know and helped me see the risks and pitfalls as well as how we could best accomplish the goals.”
“Hats off to Shannon for identifying alternatives and following through for the customer,” Greg said. “This is one of the reasons I enjoy what I do — because there is nothing better than knowing at the end of the day I was able to help someone get into a better situation than they are in currently.”
“I am so happy we are able to help her,” Shannon said, noting that “it all started because I reached out in a cold call to her to introduce myself and invite her in for a review.”
“Great work with this customer,” wrote VP consumer lending manager Chris Boland. “This is a true testament to your partnership and willingness to find the right solution for the customer, regardless of who does the loan. You both do great things for your customers and North Shore Bank.”
*Customer’s name has been changed to ensure their privacy.