Cheryl on her 25th anniversary with the bank, in June.
If you’re reading this, you at least know Human Resources rep Cheryl Fregoso by name — she sends out the email announcing a new edition of this very newsletter each week. And now, after 25 years at North Shore Bank, she’ll retire next Friday, October 1.
“I truly wasn’t expecting to stay here — I literally remember thinking that when I started,” Cheryl says, looking back on when she was hired as a customer assistance rep — one on a team of five — in June 1996. “But I felt appreciated from the very beginning and settled in quickly to the North Shore Bank family. I know it is corny to say that, but it truly is like a family.”
Before she transferred to HR in 2002, Cheryl’s favorite thing about her big work family was fielding calls from branches and getting to know so many employees. “And when I came to HR, I was able to get to know so many more!” she says. “I’ve loved being a part of creating a family atmosphere that sets North Shore apart from other banks and workplaces. I’m a person who loves to help people when I can, and I feel that was a big part of my job.”
“She is truly the consummate HR representative, in that she takes time to know all of the employees and serves all of them with a smile and respect,” SVP HR and compliance Molly Schissler says. “Cheryl immediately made me feel right at home, and I know she’s done that for countless North Shore Bank employees over the years.”
“She is the face of NSB! No one comes on board or leaves the company without going through her,” payroll and benefits manager AVP Cindy Lohrey says. “She has meant so much to so many people during her time here. She makes each employee feel as if they are family and worth every minute of her time.”
“Cheryl is truly the glue that holds HR together,” training and internal communications manager VP Milene Below says. “She supports all of our programs and processes in some way and keeps us all in check! Her insight and knowledge have been so valuable over the years. And without even trying, she sets such a fun and positive tone in HR. There’s a sense of camaraderie, thanks to her outgoing personality.”
Talent acquisition manager Janet Rosenthal says Cheryl was “extremely shocked” to win a SOAR Award for Outstanding Service in 2019.
“She is so humble,” Janet says. “I don’t think Cheryl realizes what an integral part of the organization she has been and how much we all value her! Employees referred to her as a ‘saint’ in the award survey, and she will leave with that legacy.”
Her HR co-workers agreed that one thing they’ll miss most is Cheryl’s witty sense of humor and infectious laugh.
“She always kicks off everyone’s day in a positive way. Her laugh is hilarious and makes you laugh even more!” Milene says.
“I dare anyone not to laugh when she does,” Cindy adds.
“One year, the HR team went to ComedySportz for our departmental celebration, and I still remember her laughing so hard she cried — and she got the rest of us to do the same,” Molly recalls.
“Cheryl is often the first face new employees see, and what a great representative she is. Cheerful, friendly, helpful, and professional — everything that embodies what North Shore is,” president Jay McKenna says. “And since we often park our cars next to each other, she is also often the first co-worker I encounter each day. I will miss her friendly smile and greeting, as will everyone else.”
“Every internal and external physical contact with our HR department passes through Cheryl. I cannot think of a better individual to represent the bank,” chairman and CEO Jim McKenna says. “She is truly a professional, with a warm, caring approach and always with a smile. I will miss sharing stories and her wonderful laugh. I will always think of her as a friend.”
As for Cheryl herself, she says she has no regrets about her career here. And now she’s looking forward to being able to go anywhere, at any time.
“My husband has been retired for eight years, and it’s time to join him,” she says. They’re looking forward to traveling as the COVID-19 pandemic calms down. “This has been a great ride, with a great group of people who really care about each other.”
You will be missed! Enjoy retirement and maybe I will run into you when you visit Green Bay
Cheryl, I wish you the best! You are definitely the first person that comes to mind when I joined NSB and set the tone for joining the team. Have fun!
Good luck in your retirement and enjoy!!
Cheryl, thank you for all your extra help you did on the Switchboard! I know it was your favorite! LOL
I will miss your friendly smile and laugh, and our conversations.
I hope you accomplish all the things you have always wanted to do.
Enjoy your Retirement!
I can’t believe you are leaving us, I will miss all your help, you have always been there for me and my Teams. I feel sorry for the next person coming in because they will have some huge shoes to fill. You are truly inspirational and HR will not be the same without you! Good Luck in Retirement and I hope to see you when you come and visit Door County!
Chery, Congratulations on your retirement!! Thank you for always being there! I look forward to joining the retirement ranks soon:)
Congratulations Cheryl!!!
Thank you for all your hard work :)
I will miss you, my friend! Thank you for ALWAYS being supportive, resourceful and the little angel in the production wing of Training! We could not have done it without you…
Looking forward to hanging out in your retirement!
Congratulations Cheryl! It was a sincere pleasure working with you in the good ol’ days of Customer Assistance. Many thanks for all your help and support in your HR role. All my best wishes for a happy, healthy, and FUN retirement.
Cheryl, you are truly one of a kind! Thank you for your genuine service.
Congrats Cheryl! Very happy for you and sad for us. You are truly a joy to work with.
Cheryl, Thank you for everything! May your retirement be filled with lots of joy and happiness!
You have always been a great help and so pleasant to work with. Best of wishes during your retirement. Enjoy!!
You were probably the first representative of the bank that I met as a new hire. You made a great first impression! Thank you for your kindness, patience, and consummate professionalism! Enjoy retirement!
Congratulations Cheryl! You were always so helpful no matter what question was posed to you. Thank you so much. I remember meeting you on my first day and you made such a good impression and that continued for all these years. Enjoy, relax and have fun in retirement.
Cheryl – Congrats on your retirement!!! Thanks for all your help over the years and it’s always been a pleasure talking with you. Enjoy!!
You will be missed by many and your replacement will have some big shoes to fill. Thank you for being a pleasant , friendly person to work with. Enjoy retirement, You so Deserve It !
Happy Retirement, Cheryl! Thank you for all your help over the years. I hope you enjoy your retirement! You will be missed.
You are such in integral part of North Shore Bank. It’s hard to imagine you not here on a daily basis. You’re leaving behind some BIG shoes to fill for such a petite lady! I’m so incredibly happy for you! Enjoy all that life has in store for you, the travel, the mid-day walks, naps, NO ALARM CLOCK!!!! Thank you so much for all you do and did for me and your NSB family! Please-please-please find time to visit us!!!
Congratulations Cheryl! Thank you for all of your years of service and for making me feel so welcome as I joined the bank. You will definitely be missed!!
Very sad to see you leaving us but very happy for you and the enjoyment you will have being retired. You made a great, long lasting, first impression on me, thank you!! You made a newby comfortable joining the NSB ranks and you have always been so friendly and helpful. You will be missed!
Cheryl, You have done such an amazing job! Thank you for everything, Enjoy all the little moments!
You will be missed!
Cheryl, all the best to you. Changing places of employment can be difficult and even daunting, and you made that first step into a role with NSB feel light and seamless.
Thank you for that, and all of the laughs.
Cheryl, you have always been a constant here at NSB, and I will miss your friendly, passionate service to all! Enjoy your retirement! You deserve it. I hope you get to do all the things that you wish for. God’s blessing on you and your family!
Cheryl, I will truly miss seeing and talking to you. It was a pleasure getting to know you and your husband when we crossed paths in Mexico. I wish you many more sunny vacations and time with your family. Enjoy your well deserved retirement. I miss you already! Kerri