Here’s what you’re thankful for!

Menasha teller Jennifer Isenhower, second from left, said she’s thankful for her team, pictured with her here.
In honor of tomorrow’s Thanksgiving holiday, we asked employees to share what they’re thankful for this year. Take a look to see what they said!
Employees help out with MHSI Thanksgiving giveaway

Audrey, Mike, and Cristen at the MHSI giveaway last Friday.
North Shore Bank helped ensure a happy Turkey Day for more members of our community, as employees volunteered to pack and distribute boxes of food for Milwaukee Health Services Inc.’s Thanksgiving Dinner Giveaway last week at the Isaac Coggs Heritage Health Center. The bank also donated $1,000 and sponsored the 10th annual event, which provides families in need with turkeys and other essential components for their holiday meals.
“It was awesome! MHSI gave over 2,000 Thanksgiving turkey meals to Milwaukee families,” said business banking officer Audrey Sellers, who has served on the nonprofit’s board for eight years and was featured in a Fox6 report on the giveaway. “It was a day filled with fun, laughs, kindness, and lots of thanks!”
Along with Audrey, volunteers included VP business banking Craig Bauer, district manager Cristen Baumann, MLK Drive branch manager Angela Byrd, business relationship manager Cheri Cicona, business relationship specialist Lauren Dod, VP business banking Mike Foley, North End branch manager Ray Guardiola, lending sales specialist Jody Moore, Brookfield Capitol personal banker Sophia Nuckols, New Berlin branch manager Sara Swosinski, and branch operations support manager Beth Wianecki. •••
Keep safe with these winter tips
The Farmers’ Almanac predicts winter will be a “polar coaster” this year, so Pat Ingelse has a few helpful hints to get ready. Check ’em out right here!
Bank shows appreciation for vets in our communities

Business relationship manager Cheri Cicona, Daddy’s Soul Food & Grille owner and Army veteran Bennie and his daughter Ashley, and lending sales specialist Jody Moore at the restaurant.
North Shore Bank employees have continued to recognize military veterans in our communities as part of our Bank on Kindness initiative for November. Take a look at what else we’ve done this month!
Candy Cane Lane opens Friday!
Candy Cane Lane in West Allis opens this Friday, November 26, at 6 p.m.! It’s North Shore Bank Night at the community display of holiday lights, which will run through Sunday, December 26. Each night, volunteers will collect donations for the MACC Fund, which fights childhood cancer.
The bank’s “Change for a Cure” matching campaign will also run through December 26 at all of our branches. Free coin-counting will be available to all members of the public, who can choose to donate part or all of the counted funds to the MACC Fund. North Shore Bank will match donations up to $1,000.
Santa will be on-site at Candy Cane Lane from Monday, December 6, through Thursday, December 23. To plan your visit and see who’s volunteering and appearing each night, check out the calendar at •••
Howard-Suamico helps with holiday shoeboxes for kids

Howard-Suamico teller Roberta Strazishar, Katie, and assistant branch manager Emmeline Knight-Guzman with the shoeboxes.
The team at Howard-Suamico has been participating in Operation Christmas Child, this month. Organized by nonprofit Samaritan’s Purse, the project ships shoeboxes filled with toys, school supplies, and personal care items to kids in need all over the world. Branch employees donated items to fill boxes and helped put the boxes together, and the branch is a pickup and drop-off site for the shoeboxes.
“We were inspired by one of our customers, who has participated in Operation Christmas Child for many years. It’s a tradition she’s passed down to her children and grandchildren,” AVP area manager Katie Longsine said. “Each year, she fills 50 shoeboxes with items such as sandals, books, toothbrushes, and dolls. For her, it’s not only been a way to give back, but also to teach her children and grandchildren the importance of being generous and supporting others — they look forward to spending time together filling shoeboxes.” •••
North District scores high on internal survey
This month, the North District invited internal customers to take the internal SOAR Together survey and rate their satisfaction with the service they’ve received from the district’s branches. The district scored high and received some great compliments! Kerri Collins shares more here.
Vote for us in Shepherd Express!
Reminder: North Shore Bank is once again a finalist in the Shepherd Express’s annual Best of Milwaukee Readers’ Choice Contest. Through Thursday, December 2, you and your friends and family can vote for us in the Bank category (under “Services Rendered”) at
For your vote to count, you must vote in at least five categories, and you cannot vote on behalf of anyone else. Please feel free to cast your vote today, and share the link and voting instructions on social media! •••
Pulaski shows support for Pack

Teller supervisor Karen Jach, universal banker Zach Burmeister, and Katie.
The Pulaski branch got dressed for the occasion to support Green Bay football last week. “We love sporting our Packers gear in celebration of home games,” AVP area manager Katie Longsine said. •••
We can learn so much from trees
We can learn a lot from trees — how their roots feel their way through the ground, finding nutrients and water. How their branches reach up toward the light. Are the directions you’re reaching in supporting your growth?
Try this meditation for one minute every day, or longer if you want to:
DO MY THOUGHTS, words, actions, habits take me where I want to go? Do they nurture me as I grow?
How did this meditation go for you? Share your experience at and you’ll be entered to win a copy of A Mindful Day: 365 Ways to Live Life With Peace, Clarity, and an Open Heart, by David Dillard-Wright.
If you’d like a daily email reminder to practice one minute of mindfulness, email us with the subject “Mindfulness reminder.” —Pat Ingelse, AVP and PMP •••