Stephanie and Matthew at Muskego High.
Muskego branch manager Stephanie Bluemel and personal banker Matthew Cieslak represented North Shore Bank at a career fair at Muskego High earlier this month. They spoke to a rotation of four classrooms of students interested in banking and financial services.
“It was a very good time!” Matthew said. “We presented what it was like to work at North Shore Bank and what our roles were. We also discussed how we found ourselves in the careers we are in. We definitely feel that we will be doing it again next year.”

Green Bay West’s Giving Tree, surrounded by gifts.
As the branch has done in years past, Green Bay West adopted a family for the holidays and put up a Giving Tree, which was covered with tags marked with items the parents and three children needed or wanted. Branch employees and customers took the tags and purchased the items. “The gifts ranged from items like Legos, action figures, craft kits, and a ukulele to silverware, pots and pans, paper products, and laundry detergent,” assistant branch manager Hali Thompson said. “Once again, we were so happy with the response from our customers and staff. We hope we were able to make this family’s holidays a little bit brighter.”

Tara and Sturgeon Bay teller Pavel Petkov at Feed and Clothe My People with a rep from the organization (at left).
And Sturgeon Bay also got into the spirit of the season with a holiday drive, collecting donations of food and winter coats for Door County nonprofit Feed and Clothe My People. “It went very well,” teller supervisor Tara Neuville said. “Lots of canned goods and brand-new jackets!”