Sophia Nuckols delights family, friends with cards
Sure, there’s an art to helping customers achieve their financial goals. But when she’s not doing that, Brookfield Capitol personal banker Sophia Nuckols likes to flex her creative muscles a bit more colorfully, designing hand-drawn greeting cards for her family and friends upon request. “I try to design a new card to go with each Christmas gift I give, as well as for other holidays like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day, and for birthdays,” Sophia says. Read more and see some of her work!
Lovers of Irish culture share stories, photos

The Cliffs of Moher in County Clare. “To understand the scale, make note of the people on the top of the cliffs,” says VP information systems Dana Scherff, who took the shot on one of her three trips to Ireland.
Irish or not, your eyes will be smiling thanks to these gorgeous photos and stories we’ve collected from North Shore Bank employees. Have ye a look!
Did you dress down for Ukraine? Send in your pics!
If you or your team are participating in today’s dress-down day in support of the people of Ukraine, make sure you snap a photo and send it our way! Text pics to 608-318-3348 or email them to, and we’ll run them next week.
And if you’d still like to make a donation, contact Berenice Bruwer. Everyone who donates can dress down in green for St. Patrick’s Day in or blue and yellow to honor Ukraine. (Jeans are OK.) Everyone who donates $10 or more will be entered into a drawing to win one of three $100 gas cards. Donations will be split between two organizations helping in Ukraine: Americares and World Central Kitchen.
Also: Scammers are taking advantage of the massive global support for Ukraine. You and your customers should be aware of these tips from the Federal Trade Commission on making sure your money goes where it’s supposed to. •••
Casino Night raises $7K for scholarships

Howard-Suamico assistant branch manager Emmeline Knight-Guzman, Katie, Pulaski universal banker Zachary Burmeister, and area manager Sharon Hack at the fundraiser.
With help from North Shore Bank, the Howard-Suamico Business and Professional Association raised enough money at this year’s Casino Night to fund seven $1,000 scholarships for local students.
Community engagement manager Katie Longsine serves as vice president of the HSBPA and worked on planning and community outreach for the annual event, which took place March 9 at Townline Pub & Grill, with about 175 people in attendance.
“The Suamico office was the collection site for donations for the online auction, and for ticket sales, which gave us the opportunity to talk with many community members,” Katie said. North Shore Bank also sponsored a table at the event.
The blackjack, craps, and roulette tables were busy all night, she added. “Emmeline Knight had her first roulette experience — black odds were her lucky combination. I was able to meet and mingle with community partners throughout the evening, and a few of the NSB crew in attendance were lucky winners of the basket raffle drawings.” •••
Despite challenges, 2022 looks good for RVs, boats
Despite challenges including limited available inventory and the cancellation of several product shows, our Indirect Sales team’s marine and RV sales have been strong so far in 2022.
“We have well-established long-term business relationships with dealers in the upper Midwest, and a competitive loan program for those dealers to offer their customers,” said Bruce Craker, indirect sales team leader. As a result, he said, loan activity remains robust, and North Shore Bank’s portfolio continues to grow.
Bruce added: “While current economic concerns are weighing on everyone, as their inventory supply keeps improving, the dealers are unanimous in their belief that the market will be strong throughout the entire summer season. Our team is looking forward to a busy year!” •••
How can we spread kindness?
Small gestures can make a big difference. This month, send your examples of little things you’ve done or can do to spread kindness to! •••
To perform well, your mind needs nourishment, rest
We put so much pressure on ourselves to think brilliant thoughts, execute the perfect plan, and generally produce exceptional work. It’s easy to forget the mind, like any tool, works only so long as it has received the proper care. If we overtax ourselves — if we do not get proper nourishment, rest, and exercise — the mind will not work properly. Meditation is one way of caring for your mind by giving it a break from all the work.
Try this meditation for one minute every day, or longer if you want to:
TAKE A FEW MINUTES and allow yourself to simply be. Know the time spent relaxing is time well spent!
Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. —Ovid
How did this meditation go for you? Share your experience at and you’ll be entered to win a copy of A Mindful Day: 365 Ways to Live Life With Peace, Clarity, and an Open Heart, by David Dillard-Wright.
If you’d like a daily email reminder to practice one minute of mindfulness, email us with the subject “Mindfulness reminder.” •••
Service Anniversaries for March 2022
The following employees celebrate a milestone anniversary with North Shore Bank this month.
20 years
Bruce Craker, Indirect Sales Team Leader
Jeffrey Pieters, Investment Consultant
15 years
Heidi Becker, Residential Processing Team Lead–CRA
10 years
Kelly Schneider, Consumer Loan Specialist
5 years
Kristen Gagliano, VP, Compliance Manager
Susan Liedel, Mortgage Loan Originator
Nicole Ndanda, Teller Supervisor, Wauwatosa
Leave a comment to congratulate them!
New Hires for March 17
It’s always exciting to add new members to our team. Here are some of the fresh faces at North Shore Bank.
Franklin teller Kristin Derzay is from Greendale and previously managed a restaurant. “I took a brief break from working to stay home with my younger children during the pandemic,” she says. “A fun fact about me is that I have seven daughters and one son. I volunteer as staff member for the South East Wisconsin Young Marines, where my 10-year-old daughter was named Young Marine of the Year last year. We do lots of volunteer work in the community.”
Consumer loan originator Jacob Gunnlaugson was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan; because of his father’s service in the Coast Guard, his family moved to Louisiana not long after he was born. They moved back north to Door County when Jacob was 6, and he moved to Green Bay a few years ago. He previously worked at Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. “I love watching football,” he says. “On Wisconsin and Bear Down!” •••