To celebrate National Working Moms Day this Saturday, March 12, we asked current and former working moms of North Shore Bank to share photos of their kids and thoughts on how they’ve balanced the demands of their careers and parenting. Today, we are pleased to announce the winners of our two prizes.

Becca’s 6-year-old daughter Baylee and son Chase, 11.
Kenosha Central universal banker Becca Anderson has won a paid half day off. Becca says: “My best advice to working mothers is balance! When home, be involved, ask about your kids’ days, help with homework, read bedtime stories. I always create one-on-one time for my daughter and son, which they love. They know that they’ll always be my number ones and I’ll always be their biggest cheerleader.”

Mary’s kids Brandon, 15, Caroline, 19, and Reed, 16.
And marketing manager Mary Ott has won a copy (print, ebook, or audiobook) of The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are, by Brené Brown. She says: “As a mom of three teenagers, I would give working moms with young children two pieces of advice: Don’t sweat the small stuff, and take help when offered. Matching socks are optional, the perfect snack isn’t possible, and all kids make mistakes. When grandparents, friends, and fellow parents offer a hand, say yes! It’s OK to take time for yourself or rely on others to more easily juggle a busy schedule.”
Congratulations to both of our winners, and many thanks to all of the moms who shared photos and advice!