Latino Chamber board elects Alfredo Martin as chair
Earlier this month, the board of the Latino Chamber of Commerce of Southeastern Wisconsin elected North Shore Bank area manager Alfredo Martin as chair.
“This is excellent news and well deserved,” said SVP retail banking Sue Doyle.
“It’s an honor, and I am humbled by it,” Alfredo said. “I see this as a great opportunity to be involved in helping so many new businesses in our community. Being chairman of any board entails a huge responsibility and a genuine commitment to enhance every aspect of the organization and assist in taking it to the next level. I know we’ll be able to do that with the current board and the chamber’s entire membership.”
He said his number-one priority is increase the chamber’s membership and see that it exceeds its goals.
“Outstanding!” concurred SVP commercial banking manager Margaret Capper, who has partnered with Alfredo and the chamber on a number of successful community initiatives.
Among other things, Alfredo helped the chamber become the first Latino-led Community Development Financial Institution in Wisconsin. Last year, Governor Tony Evers also recognized Alfredo with a Governor’s Financial Literacy Award. •••
Steve Luebke joins WMBA state board

Steve (far right) being inducted with his fellow WMBA board members.
Earlier this month, the Wisconsin Mortgage Bankers Association announced a newly elected state board of directors — including senior mortgage lender Steve Luebke.
Steve’s term is for three years. Board members are expected to serve on committees, and he will also continue to work as a liaison with the WMBA’s Milwaukee chapter, which he previously led as president.
“I want to be able to assist with outreach to mortgage lenders who are not active in the WMBA. The membership can grow if we make mortgage bankers aware of our focus as a local, state, and national advocate for the industry,” Steve said of his aspirations for his term. He notes that both the state organization and local chapters offer educational and networking opportunities to WMBA members. “Additionally, I want to have increased participation from current members at our state and local events.”
In keeping with that goal, the Milwaukee chapter will resume its participation in the Milwaukee County Zoo’s a la Carte at the Zoo festival in August, after a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19. This summer’s musical lineup includes Top 40 country band Bella Cain, ’90s alternative rockers the Spin Doctors, Chicago rock band Plain White T’s, and Latin jazz fusion group De La Buena.
“Steve’s long history in the mortgage business and his ability to stay on top of current events affecting the industry will be very valuable to the WMBA and the member institutions,” said SVP consumer credit sales Mike Kellman. •••
WBA summit gives bankers lots to learn and take home

Lacee, Breanna, and Kristin at the BOLT summit.
Northland branch manager Lacee Kalepp, senior financial accountant and analyst Kristin Monday, and North End assistant branch manager Breanna Rooney attended the BOLT Summer Leadership Summit, put on by the Wisconsin Bankers Association, last week in Wisconsin Dells. The event offered educational and networking opportunities for bankers from across the state.
“It was interesting to hear about other bankers’ experiences while comparing and contrasting similar processes, positives, and issues,” Kristin said. “The guest speakers were lively and enjoyable, and their topics pertained to almost everyone at the conference in some way.”
“One speaker who stuck out to me discussed the different generations in the current workforce and how things will be drastically changing within the next decade — and thus the importance of creating leaders within the generations to come,” Breanna said, adding that she plans to use the speaker’s ideas in North Shore Bank’s Emerging Leaders Group and within her own team.
And Lacee said the summit offered a little bit of everything: “There were things I will use as a manager in my coaching and huddles. There was information on the future of banking and ideas on how to better connect with our customers as bankers. I plan on using something from one of the speakers called ‘laughing yoga’ with my team to start our huddles. They are going to love it!” •••
Breakfast With the Giraffes takes fun to new heights

Contest winner Mary and her companions with the giraffes at the zoo.
Last Saturday, our giveaway winner and three companions enjoyed Breakfast With the Giraffes at the Racine Zoo.
Part of the zoo’s annual World Giraffe Day celebrations, the event featured breakfast from Red Onion Cafe followed by a chance to meet and feed the long-necked animals. North Shore Bank also had a booth at the zoo for the day, where visitors could get free tickets to feed the giraffes.

Kathleen White worked our booth and took time to share some treats with the giraffes too.
“I have fed the giraffes in past years, when I did a behind-the-scenes tour of the zoo,” said Cudahy branch manager Kathleen White. “But I didn’t know that giraffe feeding was offered to the public for the small fee of $5, let alone that North Shore Bank sponsors the program! It’s a great opportunity to see the animals up close. I loved how much joy it brought to so many people there. Their faces lit up, and they thanked us for giving them the opportunity. I’m ready to work the event again, so I can bring smiles to even more faces!”
“It was a gorgeous day, and people came out to enjoy our long-necked friends and learn about conservation,” Northside branch manager Lisa Brooks said. “The event was a big success.” •••
Northland joins Flag Day parade

Employees and their kids and friends with our float at the parade.
Northland branch employees were part of the 71st Appleton Flag Day Parade last Saturday. Traveling universal banker Dede Krause’s son Sam put on the Seymour Savings costume. Branch manager Lacee Kalepp and teller Char Schaible brought their kids and kids’ friends out to represent North Shore Bank for the day. •••
HELOC promo offers extra cash, no appraisal costs
Through July 31, qualifying applicants can get a HELOC from North Shore Bank and pay no appraisal costs.
A home equity line of credit offers an extra source of ready cash with a credit limit determined by the value of your home and how much you owe on it. Determining that value can involve an appraisal, which customers who apply now will not have to pay for.
North Shore Bank offers HELOCs of up to 80 percent of a home’s value. And a HELOC balance can be converted to a fixed rate loan with a low interest rate, making it an excellent way to pay for big projects and purchases, or to consolidate higher-interest debt. North Shore Bank customers with HELOCs also qualify for premium checking accounts with some terrific perks.
“HELOCS are back in vogue!” SVP consumer credit sales Mike Kellman says. “Many of our customers are sitting on very low fixed rate first mortgages, but still want to fix up a bathroom or kitchen, or need a new roof, or just want to take a fantastic vacation. Rather than throwing away their low current first mortgage rate with a cash-out refi, many are electing to sign up for a second-position home equity line of credit. Home values have increased significantly, meaning that many customers are now sitting on mountains of equity.”
However, some customers do still have higher rates on their first mortgages, he notes, and for them it does make sense to do a cash-out refinance. “Make sure you fully understand your customer’s situation before suggesting the proper product for their needs,” Mike says.
You can find more on our HELOC promotion — as well as free information and resources like our HELOC estimation calculator — here. •••
Baseball fans can win luxury suite for T-Rats game
The Wisconsin Timber Rattlers will celebrate Bratoberfest on Friday, September 9 — and one lucky winner will be there to throw out the first pitch and enjoy the Minor League Baseball game in a luxury suite, courtesy of North Shore Bank.
To enter, members of the public just have to subscribe, like, and share on social media — they’ll receive bonus entries for each action they take. The luxury suite comes with up to 20 tickets and three parking passes for Fox Cities Stadium in Appleton. The first 1,000 fans at Bratoberfest will each get a bobblehead, and the T-Rats will be playing in lederhosen-themed uniforms that evening. Deadline to enter is this Sunday, June 19. More details here. •••
Use your debit card, fight cancer
Through July 15, each time customers use their North Shore Bank debit Mastercards to order online or tap in-store at qualifying grocery stores and restaurants, Mastercard will donate one cent to Stand Up to Cancer — up to $5 million. More information here. •••
Listen to the nudges that arise from mindfulness
Mindfulness meditation has been more accepted by corporate America than any other form of living wisdom. Mindfulness meditation is the first step of a larger transformation — a foot in the door, so to speak, for those who care about people, animals, and our Earth. It signals a change from the hectic pace and greed common to our culture, to awakening the possibility of greater respect for each other. Perhaps you have noticed little sparks of inspiration, little bits of insight. You may feel a nudge to change your pattern of living. Listen to those instincts. They may not make you rich or famous, but they will lead you to a place of beauty and peace that is always available to you.
Try this meditation for one minute today, or longer if you wish:
SIT SILENTLY, close your eyes, and take three deep breaths. Then simply notice your breath. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Don’t judge, and when other thoughts arise, just let them go. If your attention wanders, gently return it to your breath.
Cultivating the good means recovering the incandescent power of love that is present as a potential in all of us. An awakened life demands a fundamental re-visioning of the limited views we hold of our own potential.
—Sharon Salzberg, Buddhist meditation teacher
How did this meditation go for you? Share your experience with your fellow North Shore Bank employees at and you’ll be entered to win a copy of Mindfulness in Plain English, by Bhante Gunaratana.
If you’d like a daily email reminder to practice one minute of mindfulness, email us with the subject “Mindfulness reminder.” •••
Service Anniversaries for June 2022
The following employees celebrate a milestone anniversary with North Shore Bank this month.
25 years
Julia Peters, Accounting Supervisor — read more here!
20 years
Laurie Kocken, Universal Banker, Allouez — read more here!
5 years
Jacquetta Garner, Teller Supervisor, Milwaukee Capitol
Ann Marie Krecak, Assistant Controller
Leave a comment to congratulate them!
Crafts & Laughs features art by video teller
What’s going on with you? If you or someone in your family has a special event — a concert, show, sporting or charity event, or another important moment — send the details to We’ll include information about select events to let your colleagues know about all the cool stuff happening with the North Shore Bank team.
Crafts & Laughs tomorrow, Friday, June 17, at Dresden Castle in Cudahy will feature stand-up comedy, trivia, and a silent auction of 11 pieces by local artists including video teller Maria De La O Sanchez. Maria and the other artists are also competing for two prizes. Tickets are available online for $15 or will be $20 at the door. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. A portion of the proceeds from the evening will go towards Friends of Pulaski Park. Download a PDF of the flyer here.
Looking for more to do? Click here for suggestions from the bank’s event calendar.