Celebrating 25 years here, Peters embraces flexibility
When we last checked in with accounting supervisor Julia Peters, in 2017, she was “absolutely amazed” she’d stayed at North Shore Bank for two decades, having spent so long before that constantly relocating. As she marks 25 years here this month, she also has a different job title, after moving from Leasing/Loan Servicing to Accounting in May 2018.
Julia talked to Shorelines about that and other changes over the past five years. Read more now!
Colleagues join Cruz to celebrate completing chemo

Teller Don Mahnke, former area manager Carolyn Lancour, Southridge area manager Ray Guardiola, teller Debbie Hahm, Forest Home universal banker Kim Dane, and Southridge teller supervisor Kelly Doucette celebrated with Marie (at center with short hair — but not for long!) at Vintage 38.
A year after starting the treatment, Marie Cruz is elated to announce she has completed chemotherapy for breast cancer.
“I feel like I won the fight,” the Greendale assistant branch manager says. “I am super excited now that my hair is growing back. I get a lot of compliments about it being short, but I want my long hair back.”
She celebrated the milestone with colleagues and friends at Vintage 38 in Greendale. Read more!
“Be Kind” art installation unveiled at North End

President and COO Jay McKenna and district manager Cristen Baumann with the community leaders selected to spread more kindness with North Shore Bank’s help this summer, as well as Mayor Cavalier Johnson.
Today the bank unveiled the new “Be Kind” art installation at our North End branch.
The sculpture measures 7 by 4 feet and is the creation of Milwaukee artist Fred Kaems, who also painted the branch windows to complement it. The summer-themed art installation will be up through August.

A clearer look at the art installation.
The “parklet” where the artwork sits will be used for community events as part of North Shore Bank’s ongoing Bank on Kindness initiative, including:

Cookies were handed out at the veiling.
- A “Kindness Rocks!” event on Saturday, June 25, to decorate rocks with inspirational messages to take or leave for others to find. As at the recent Corporate employee rock-painting event, participants can scatter the rocks across the city to spread positivity and kindness or add them to the branch’s rock garden.
- A “Dog Days of Summer” event on Sunday, July 17, with Fido-friendly food, agility activities, puppy pools, and more.
- A North End Community Clean Up event on Saturday, August 27, with local organizations and community members working together to clean up the area, with refreshments provided.

Bank employees gathered for a photo in front of the art installation. From left: Kristen Gagliano, Angela Byrd, Kate Knox, Audrey Sellers, Jay and Cristen, Heather Somers, Breanna Rooney, Sue Doyle, Kristin Monday, Ray Guardiola, and Mike Kellman. North End universal banker Shannon Quinn and traveling teller Andrew Hullin assisted customers inside the branch during the ceremony.
At the unveiling ceremony, the bank honored five “kindness community leaders,” who each received $500 to be used to spread more kindness throughout the city. Mayor Cavalier Johnson also attended, and recognized the day with a proclamation declaring today “Be Kind Day” throughout Milwaukee. You read more in the bank’s official press release. •••
Shorewood surprises Little Leaguers with ice cream

Shorewood Nationals players and coaches get silly for the camera.

Micki and Audrey at the game.
Shorewood universal banker Micki Usama and teller Audrey Elliott surprised the village’s Nationals Little League baseball team with frozen custard from Culver’s after a game at Estabrook Park on May 27.
Area branch manager AVP Shannon Weber worked to make it happen with the coach of the team, which the bank sponsors. The owner of Shorewood’s Culver’s donated 40 cups of custard for both the Nationals and the other team, as well as players’ parents. The players also got some North Shore Bank goodies.
“The kids absolutely loved it and were ecstatic to enjoy a refreshing treat post-game,” Micki said. “It was a beautiful day to watch them play, and they were able to take home some fun swag bags too!” •••
Students talk job opportunities at Career Day

Katie at our table at Career Day.
Community engagement manager AVP Katie Longsine and district manager Kerri Collins were part of a Career Day at Bay Port High School on May 26, sponsored by the Howard Suamico Business & Professional Association.
“The event was created to showcase career opportunities available to students after graduation right here in our community,” said Katie, who also serves as vice president of the HSBPA. “We had the opportunity to engage with over 100 students to answer questions about banking and careers, and share the student checking account promotion.”
Some of the questions Katie and Kerri got were “What is the difference between a bank and a credit union?” and “What is the difference between a checking and savings account?” as well as “How long have you been with the bank and what have been your career steps along the way?” and “What kind of education or training is available to help advance a career in banking?” Katie also got a chance to connect with the other 35 area businesses taking part. •••
Clients express appreciation at Dealmakers panel

Margaret and Mike.
SVP commercial banking manager Margaret Capper and VP senior lender Mike Cornell were part of a panel presented by North Shore Bank at the Milwaukee Dealmakers Conference on May 24 at the Pfister Hotel.
The panel was titled “How to Build Effective Capital Stacks for Acquisitions and Real Estate Financing” and covered raising capital for acquisitions, real estate growth, and other expansion opportunities for businesses.
“It was a great event to participate in, along with some of our clients who’ve recently been through such transactions,” Margaret said. “They definitely supported our relationship with them and stressed the importance of knowing whomever you choose as a partner, so that you know your bank has your back. Most business owners are great at running their business, but may not be as savvy in regard to an acquisition. The audience seemed engaged, and I believe they enjoyed hearing about the clients’ experiences and how well we all worked together.” •••
Gardenview Pottery featured as Artist of the Month

Kandy Gibson of Gardenview Pottery and Grafton branch manager Jennifer Mantooth with some of Gibson’s work.
The Grafton branch’s Artist of the Month for June is Gardenview Pottery. Owner Kandy Gibson describes herself as a “utilitarian potter” who aims to create pieces that are unique and visually attractive, “but also useful in everyday life.” She makes both wheel-thrown and hand-built pieces, and tries to give each piece its own individual twist. Her pottery will be on display in the branch’s Stone House Gallery all month, and all of it is available for purchase. •••
Flow, direction of thoughts can have consequences
Thoughts are tendencies. They are not inert, but have real consequences. Each thought is affected by the trajectory of the one before, so the stream can build real momentum. This process cannot be stopped, but mindfulness makes us aware it is happening. It can help us see the direction of our thoughts, slow down their maddening pace, and shift them in a positive direction.
Try this meditation for one minute today, or longer if you wish:
TAKE A MOMENT to pay attention to your own stream of thought — the feelings, images, words. What do you notice?
Just as the Twig is bent, the Tree’s inclined. —Alexander Pope
How did this meditation go for you? Share your experience with your fellow North Shore Bank employees at shorelines@northshorebank.com and you’ll be entered to win a copy of Mindfulness in Plain English, by Bhante Gunaratana.
If you’d like a daily email reminder to practice one minute of mindfulness, email us with the subject “Mindfulness reminder.” •••
New Hires for June 2
It’s always exciting to add new members to our team. Here are some of the fresh faces at North Shore Bank.
Customer assistance representative Shaela Grzenia was born and raised in Milwaukee and worked in the mutual funds department at U.S. Bank for four years; she also runs a part-time business as a licensed manicurist. “I am absolutely obsessed with tacos,” she says. “I like to go to different Mexican restaurants especially to try their tacos. When I’m traveling, I just have to make a pit stop at the town or city’s Mexican restaurant to try their tacos.”
Milwaukee Capitol teller Brittany Ramos is from Milwaukee and previously worked at Lowe’s as a plant specialist. “I love spending my time with my family, being outdoors, walking trails, walking along the lake, and going to the park with my kids,” she says. “I also love reading and painting — even though I’m not that good at painting.” •••
Last chance to win Breakfast with the Giraffes tickets
Remind your customers and friends: Today is the last day to enter our giveaway to enjoy Breakfast with the Giraffes at the Racine Zoo.
The sold-out event will take place June 11, as part of the zoo’s World Giraffe Day celebration, sponsored by North Shore Bank. Along with the meal, there will be a giraffe presentation and encounter, as well as other activities.
To win tickets, customers can check our Facebook page for the link to enter the contest. They’ll be entered one or more times each time they follow or like North Shore Bank and the Racine Zoo on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. •••