Some of the pranksters’ work. Note the mustaches on the skeleton, Mona Lisa, and elsewhere.
The Treasury Solutions team’s Halloween pranking of Jeff Marsho is now officially an annual tradition, as the operations manager and AVP came in for the second year to find his workspace covered in spooktacular decor.

A surprised and delighted Jeff, and an equally gleeful Nicole and Mary.
“It’s extra fun, since Jeff is highly organized — so causing disruption to his organizational skills is quite entertaining,” jokes VP loan operations Nicole Daniels. “He’s always a good sport about it!”
“I was taken by complete surprise last October, and found it quite funny,” Jeff says. “I was impressed and knew I was in the presence of true professional pranksters.” He thought this year he was safe, after his anniversary with the bank passed earlier last month and his workspace remained untouched. But the pranksters — Nicole, treasury solutions and commercial lending specialist Mary Fleischman, and team leader Loretta Bondi — were just waiting for him to let his guard down.

The pranksters’ work last October.
“I started giggling as soon as I came around the corner and saw my office had again been the victim of the happy pranksters,” Jeff says. “I couldn’t keep from laughing and am both amazed and impressed with the organization, detail, execution, and level of secrecy they are able to keep!”
“The ideas always start with Mary,” Loretta says. “She shares them with us, and they just grow from there, each of us adding our take on the theme. We start looking for the props and run them past each other. The coffin for this year’s prank was awesome! The mustaches were an added touch from one of Jeff’s favorite movies, A Million Ways to Die in the West. He consistently references and quotes it to all of us! This is a great team to be a part of!”