Teller supervisor Karen Jach, Katie Longsine, universal banker Zach Burmeister, teller Roberta Strazishar, assistant branch manager Emmeline Knight-Guzman, teller Brittney Koeberl, and floating teller Deb Price.
Pulaski and Howard-Suamico employees traditionally plan a fun activity together for the winter holidays — this year, they went bowling. “We spent the afternoon at the bowling alley enjoying a delicious lunch, some friendly competition, and an exciting Secret Santa gift exchange,” community engagement manager Katie Longsine said.

District operations specialist Jill Heule, universal banker Kim Balser, teller Char Schaible, universal banker Fabio Zane, Lacee Kalepp, personal banker Kelly Kading, assistant branch manager Deb Cumming, floating teller Deb Price, assistant branch manager Tisha Kenfield, teller Jenny Isenhower, BSA/AML specialist Noah Isenhower, and teller supervisor Patt Kox.
Employees from the Northland and Menasha branches celebrated the holidays on December 20 with games and treats. “We did a game where you would exchange ornaments, and each one represented a gift card that went with it,” area branch manager Lacee Kalepp said. “We had to try to guess where the gift card was from, based on the ornament. We had so much fun!”

Aubrey, teller Alexx Stadtlander, and area branch manager Mickey Adams.
The Allouez team got into the holiday spirit with festive sweaters and handmade headbands. “Alexx and I made our headbands as a group thing at work and I made Mickey’s,” assistant branch manager Aubrey Abrahamson said. “I thought it would be fun to dress up, but couldn’t find any headbands at Target — so I figured it would be an even more fun team project for us to spend some time making them!”

Emily’s first-place winner at left, and Jayme’s runner-up at far right.
And results are in from this year’s gingerbread house contest at Burlington. Teller Emily Henry took first place, with teller supervisor Jayme Clarey hot on her tail. They each won a gift card of their choice.
“The customers had so much fun voting,” branch manager Robin Callis said. “Many agreed the houses were all so good, it was very difficult to choose just one. The staff had fun too, and we look forward to our next venture!”