New and old skills serve Kading as he marks 25 years
Northland personal banker Kelly Kading has always been candid about his love of learning — including when we checked in with him for his 20th anniversary with the bank.
“Every day Kelly surprises me. He has been a banker for 25 years and still gets excited to help customers and learn new things,” says his boss, Northland community engagement manager AVP Lacee Kalepp.
As he celebrates his 25th anniversary this month, Kelly remains keenly aware of the need to learn and adapt in and outside of business. Find out what he had to say!
Partnership with Gamblers led to “cool” events

Fans tossed new hats for cancer patients (in plastic bags) onto the ice on Caps for Cancer nights when the Gamblers scored their first goal.
Gamblers aren’t the kind of people you’d expect North Shore Bank to partner with. After all, we regularly attribute our success to our risk-averse, financially conservative approach to business.
But for over a decade, we made an exception for the Green Bay Gamblers. Based at Ashwaubenon’s Resch Center, the United States Hockey League team has worked with North Shore Bank on a number of good causes. Read all about it right here!
Do good in our 100 Acts of Kindness challenge!
As part of our Bank on Kindness initiative and in celebration of our 100th anniversary, North Shore Bank has set a goal to complete 100 Acts of Kindness. We need your help — and it comes with the chance to win a fabulous prize!
The challenge starts today, and the rules are simple. Check them out now, and see ideas for good deeds!
Test your wits! Centennial trivia begins next week
How well do you know this company? Starting next week, put that knowledge to the test with the launch of North Shore Bank Centennial Trivia.
Trivia kicks off next Wednesday, February 15, and will run every other month through the end of the year. After this month, trivia questions will be posted the first Wednesday of April, June, August, October, and December. Watch for new trivia questions in Ask Seymour and Shorelines so you can participate! Winners will receive snazzy North Shore Bank centennial swag.
Here’s what you need to know to play:
- One response per employee per question.
- Employees can win more than once throughout the year.
- Responses will be stamped with the date and time. The first employee to submit the correct response will be the winner.
- Winners will receive an email with information on receiving their prize.
- Winners will be announced on the Friday following the release of the question for that month.
Trivia questions, the answers, and winners will be posted in the “What’s New” section of Ask Seymour and in Shorelines. Good luck! •••
Throwback Thursday: Our Straight and Ackeret history

Walter Ackeret (center) shakes hands with Jim McKenna as McKenna takes over as North Shore president in 1975.

Earl Straight and Walter Ackeret
As we’ve already mentioned this week, North Shore Bank has a reputation for being forthright and careful. You might even say it’s in the company’s DNA, given that two of our early leaders were literally Straight and Ackeret.
Earl S. Straight started out with North Shore in the 1920s, while Walter J. Ackeret — and that actually is pronounced accurate — joined the company in 1932 as one of only four employees at the time. Straight would serve as our director secretary and manager, while Ackeret began as assistant secretary and became president of North Shore Savings & Loan in 1972; he is responsible for our expansion into a network of branches. When Ackeret retired in 1975, Jim McKenna took the reins as president and, of course, still serves as our executive chairman today.
According to an article from the Spring 2000 issue of Shorelines, Straight and Ackeret’s unusual names earned them the attention of Ripley’s Believe It or Not!, which noted how fitting their names were for bank executives. •••
Daniels, Kellman treat employees to refreshments

Nicole and Mike, ready to roll.
Earlier this month, VP loan operations Nicole Daniels and SVP consumer credit sales Mike Kellman rolled out the glittery cart to keep the Staff Appreciation Days vibe going on the 4th and 5th Floors. They served nonalcoholic afternoon refreshments to the Loan Operations and Underwriting teams.
“We did several fun activities during Staff Appreciation Days, but weren’t able to get to this specific one until now,” Nicole said. “We were happy to keep the good times flowing!” •••
Mortgage Days mean great deals
Reminder: Mortgage Days are on through February 28. This month, North Shore Bank has deals for homebuyers or buyers building a new home, as well as customers looking to consolidate debt or use a home equity line of credit for any other purpose. Find out more here! •••
Promotions for January 2023
The following employees were promoted in January:
- Andrea Bahena was promoted from Universal Banker at West Allis to Video Teller.
- Kelly Berglund was promoted from Teller to Universal Banker at West Allis.
- Renee Machado was promoted from Checking Services Representative to Senior Checking Services Representative.
- Kenya Padilla was promoted from Video Teller to Business Relationship Specialist.
- Teresa Sanchez was promoted from Video Teller to Senior Video Teller.
Leave a comment to congratulate them!
New Hires for February 9
It’s always exciting to add new members to our team. Here are some of the fresh faces at North Shore Bank.
Kenosha South universal banker Noemi Faz is from Racine and was previously a recruiter and HR manager at a sales and marketing firm. She has a trick for helping people remember how to pronounce her first name. “It’s similar to the Emmy awards — you just throw ‘no’ in front of it: no Emmy for me,” she says. “That’s OK, because I want an Oscar! Super cheesy, I know, but hey — I’m from Wisconsin.”
Video teller Dan Timko is originally from the St. Louis area. He moved to Wisconsin six years ago and lives in Appleton. He was previously general manager of Holidays Pub & Grill. “I have been to over 100 St. Louis Cardinals games at two different Busch Stadiums, and to over 100 St. Louis Blues NHL games at two different arenas,” he says. He adds, “I am now a Packers fan and went to my first game last year. It was good, but very cold. We did win, though.” •••