Universal banker Sara Speich, teller supervisor Mel Grode, Stephanie, and personal banker Matthew Cieslak inside the Storm Room at 60 to Escape.
Muskego employees honed their cooperative thinking skills with some teambuilding fun at an escape room. “We did the Storm Room, which had a 5/10 difficulty rating, but the game host said he found it to be one of the harder ones,” community engagement manager Stephanie Ruiz said. The experience had them assuming the roles of a supervillain’s new henchmen and henchwomen, who were proving themselves worthy to help take over the world.
“We put our brains together and escaped with almost eight minutes to spare,” Stephanie said. “We had so much fun, we wanted to do another one right after!” The team had dinner at Red Robin before taking on the challenge at 60 to Escape at Milwaukee’s Southridge Mall. “We even managed to get locked inside the mall after and jokingly said, ‘Is this a part of the game?!?’”