Menasha assistant branch manager Deb Cumming recently showed how much our success depends on our willingness and ability to help each other out, when she lent commercial workout manager VP Jim Krcmarik a hand with a customer, bringing a workout loan to a successful resolution.

Deb Cumming
In a workout, the lender and borrower renegotiate the terms of a loan, typically because the borrower can no longer repay the loan under the initial terms. A workout allows the lender to recoup funds without resorting to foreclosure or legal action.
“When I realized that the borrower was not good at returning my phone calls and did not have email, I reached out to Deb to act as an intermediary with him,” Jim said. “She told me she had a long-standing relationship with the borrower, who frequently comes into the branch.”
“I have been his banker through good times and terrible times,” said Deb, who has known the customer for 20 years and knew he had lost his wife to cancer and that his once-successful business had taken a hit. “Assisting the customer was very hands-on, as he does not use any type of technology — only a flip phone for his business. I was determined to do all that was necessary to achieve a positive outcome. Because I’ve been with him through many challenges, it didn’t feel uncomfortable for him to work with me at all.”
Besides communicating with the borrower, Deb also spent hours doing research to help reconcile his tax records. With her help, Jim was able to get what he needed from the borrower and bring the matter to a close. “Without her involvement, we would likely have ended up in a long and costly legal action,” he said. “We’re all on the same team at North Shore, and by working together, we can serve our clients better and successfully resolve challenges.”
That is great! So glad that we help our customers like that!