District manager Kerri Collins with Zach Burmeister. Inset: Claudia Romo.

Mariella and Claudia with their headphones.
Mitchell Street personal banker Claudia Rubio and Brookfield Square assistant branch manager Mariella Zarb recently each received a pair of Sony noise-canceling headphones as winners in the Elan Elites sweepstakes, in addition to cash prizes they received earlier.
The Elan Elites program awards cash and the chance to win additional prizes to the top 100 credit card salespeople among Elan’s banking business partners.
North Shore Bank also had two winners in Elan’s quarterly sweepstakes: Pulaski universal banker Zach Burmeister, who won $200, and Jackson Park assistant branch manager Claudia Romo, who won $100. Congratulations to all of these winners!
SO FUN!!! Congrats you lucky winners!