Former Pewaukee branch manager Patty Muehl presents a big check for $3,500 from North Shore Bank to Pewaukee fireworks organizers.
Things weren’t looking too bright in Pewaukee at start of summer 2013. Organizers had fallen far short of their fundraising goal for that year’s Fourth of July fireworks — bringing in only $4,000, rather than the $11,000 they’d hoped for at minimum. They regretfully announced that the show — a tradition in the lakeside village — would be canceled.
Enter North Shore Bank and the Pewaukee Fireworks Fund. On June 7, we announced we would match up to $3,500 in donations for the show — meaning that if our match was maxed out, the organizers would have the $7,000 they needed.
As it turned out, between North Shore’s help, a concurrent fundraiser held by Pick ’n Save grocery stores, and private donations, the fireworks show brought in over $13,000. It was a true community effort, with one organizer noting that “even a local 8-year‐old donated his birthday money and a couple other local kids sold lemonade a few weekends.”