Left: Heather’s daughters — 11-year-old Alena and 6-year-old Rayna — in the Pink Lady. Right: Son Lincoln, 3, naps on the road.
North End branch manager Heather Somers and her family recently went on their first trip in their new RV, driving to Florida to see her parents. “Most of the interior is pink, so we call it the Pink Lady,” Heather says. “We drove through a tornado in Indiana on the way home. Pretty scary!”

Big brother Aiden with baby sister Aria.
And Franklin branch manager Jason Mermolia and family welcomed new daughter Aria a few weeks ago. She was born 21 inches long and weighing 8 pounds, 10 ounces. Congratulations, Jason!
You weren’t joking Heather about the pink accents throughout. It was meant to be. Everyone looking like they are having a good time. Here’s to me finding the perfect RV for me too! :)