Bank employees came out for Krowd the Klotsche in 2001, when attendance hit almost 3,000 fans and broke records for the UW-Milwaukee women’s basketball team.
Back around the turn of the millennium, North Shore Bank sponsored the annual Krowd the Klotsche event — giving away free tickets to a UW-Milwaukee women’s basketball game each year to fill the team’s home arena, the Klotsche Center.

Employees including Erica Johnson (third from left) got this picture with Panthers coach Sandy Botham and the team’s mascot.
According to the Spring 2001 issue of Shorelines, that year’s Krowd the Klotsche brought in a record-breaking crowd of 2,796 fans. The next year’s game was even more krowded, with 4,137 kramming themselves into the arena, the UW-Milwaukee Panthers website says.
“The arena was electric,” VP customer support Jude Lengell recalls. “It was so much fun to bring that to the UW- Milwaukee women’s basketball team.”