Team spirit is on display throughout bank locations

Team holds baby shower for Larrisa Gilbert

The Commercial and Consumer Loan Administration team held a baby shower for Senior Commercial Loan Specialist Larrisa Gilbert, whose baby boy is due at the end of July. Priscilla Hartling and Kelly Schneider organized the party, at which the team celebrated with games, delicious cupcakes, and, of course, great gifts for Larrisa and the baby.

The team includes: (front row) Larrisa Gilbert; (second row) Orlandrea Lesure, Glenda Waters, Kelly Schneider, Priscilla Hartling, Yvette Jankowski, and Georgia Phillips.

Congratulations to Larissa!

Bank team volunteers with NeighborWorks Green Bay

Tammy Drinkwine (Paraplanner), Michele Huntley (Mortgage Loan Originator), Katie Longsine (Community Engagement Manager & NeighborWorks Green Bay committee member), Zach Burmeister (Pulaski Lead Teller)

North Shore Bank employees participated in a volunteer opportunity with NeighborWorks Green Bay (NWGB) on June 1.

As part of NeighborWorks Week, NWGB hosted a free community event that included kicking off a summer reading program at a local park, a neighborhood scavenger hunt, and a community advocacy fair featuring several local organizations who were in attendance to share resources and information. 01863 As volunteers at the event, we helped greet and direct guests, serve food, and talk to community members about their housing stories and homeownership goals to help NWGB continue providing solutions to housing challenges.

North Shore Bank has a long partnership with NWGB and continues to support its excellent work through sponsorships and donations, committee involvement, and volunteer efforts.

MLK branch represents at walk to provide school supplies, educational funds

Lead Teller Lisa Allgood-Beal and MLK Branch Manager Angela Byrd at the Heartlove Place 4th Annual Walk at the lakefront in Milwaukee.

MLK Branch Manager Angela Byrd and Lead Teller Lisa Allgood-Beal enjoyed the Heartlove Place 4th Annual Walk at the Milwaukee Lakefront on June 8. Funds raised at the event help purchase back-to-school supplies and contribute to the organization’s youth and teen educational programs. Angela and Lisa had a great time discussing North Shore Bank products and services and offering invitations to stop at the MLK branch to visit us.


Burlington branch creates colorful surprise “welcome back” message

Staff at the Burlington branch recently played a fun prank on Community Engagement Manager Jonathan White. Jonathan and his family spent a week in his hometown of Greensboro, N.C., visiting family and friends. When he returned, he found a creative, colorful message—”Hi” spelled out with Post-It notes—waiting to welcome him back.

No worries that office supplies were misused! Jonathan offers this disclaimer: “The Post-Its were purchased by staff. They were not branch supplies.” Hope it was a great vacation, Jonathan!

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