Pups take center stage at Dog Days on Drexel

The Oak Creek branch team gets ready for Dog Days. The team includes (from left) Alena, Rayna, and Lincoln, all children of Heather Somers (with patterned purse strap); Teller Samantha Mars; Personal Banker Kelly Berglund with her pup, Stormy, and daughters Andrea and Ali; and Teller Kristin Derzay (far right) with her daughter, Kailey.


Employees from North Shore Bank handed out free dog toys and treats at Dog Days at Drexel last weekend in Oak Creek. Heather Somers, Oak Creek branch manager, said the free gifts were a big surprise to attendees.

“We loved spreading kindness and petting the dogs,” she added. “It was so much fun!”


The branch used $300 from its Random Acts of Kindness fund to donate to Rescue Gang, a nonprofit pup adoption agency. The donation will put $150 toward the adoption fees for two dogs that have been at the shelter the longest—Arvin and Bartleby. You can see both dogs and all of Rescue Gang’s adoptable dogs on their website.


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