Sister Bay employee appreciates coworkers with sweet awards

The Sister Bay team with their “Heart Felt Awards”: (front) Dawn Glassmyer, (back, L to R) William Cole, Marlese McEvoy, Deb Proto-Maring, and Kathy Freund.

Marlese McEvoy, Sister Bay branch teller, recently delivered a sweet surprise to her coworkers—hearts with special messages for each person. Marlese called them the “Heart Felt Awards,” and you can see from the smiles on the faces of her coworkers how much they are appreciated!

The award for Branch Manager William Cole said: “It is one thing to be a boss, another thing to be a mentor, but a completely different thing to be a leader. We are proud to be led by a boss, mentor, and leader like you!”

Will said he received the award from Marlese and the team when he had just returned from a brief staycation with family and felt “overwhelmed by joy and emotion.” Will started in banking management right as the pandemic started and fought feelings of imposter syndrome for a while, which made receiving this award even more special.

“I really try to avoid stressing my team out and they return the favor, always,” he said.

The awards for coworkers Dawn Glassmyer, Deb Proto-Maring, and Kathy Freund said: “Chance made us colleagues, but the fun and laughter we share made us friends!”

“Marlese is always doing little special things for all of us,” Dawn said. “She is a great coworker, person, and friend.”

Marlese said she was motivated to get the awards for her boss and coworkers because she’s grateful for their friendship. “It’s nice to work with a group of people where we all get along and help each other,” she said.

District Manager Kerri Collins shared Marlese’s kind gesture with Shorelines, calling it out as another outstanding example of the “great culture” at North Shore Bank.


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