Westgate Lead Teller Kathy Couture, Video Teller Jessica Cranley, Westgate Branch Manager Julie Goebel and Westgate Teller Yesenia Ornelas at the Racine Zoo giraffe birthday party.
North Shore Bank partnered with the Racine Zoo on Sept. 22 to celebrate the birthdays of two giraffes, Mac and Jabari. The bank is the main sponsor of the Racine Zoo Giraffe Encounter, where visitors can have an up close and personal experience visiting with the giraffes.
To celebrate their birthdays, the bank and the zoo had fun activities for kids, treats and a birthday banner with heartfelt messages for their tall buddies. We had bank goodies to hand out, giraffe hats to color and party bags for kids with giraffe stickers, toys and adorable giraffe cookies from a local bakery in Racine.
Unfortunately, the rainy weather kept the crowds away, although some braved the elements to celebrate the giraffes.
“We were happy to see the die-hard zoo-goers who don’t mind a little rain!” said AVP and Branch Manager Lisa Young.
Happy birthday, Mac and Jabari, and great job to the bank employees who helped out!