Those who came out for our employee picnic at the Milwaukee County Zoo on Sep 10 reported having a heck of a good time. Here are a few of the photos from the day. You can see more from your smartphone or home computer on the bank’s Facebook page.

Mailroom Messenger Raven Wilson and West Allis Teller Supervisor Cathy Piwaron watch as their kids go in for a hug from Seymour Savings, played that day by Cathy’s husband, Scott Swanson. Raven’s kids are Victor, Angel, Dangelis, and Makenzie, and Cathy’s son is Hunter.

DM Craig Witz, Fox Point Branch Manager Carol Bergen, SVP–Retail Banking Sue Doyle, Carol’s husband Keith, and Traveling Teller Sarah Stawicki were all smiles at the zoo. Keith, Carol notes, was still recovering from total knee-replacement surgery two weeks earlier. “He was a real trooper to attend with me that day!” she says.

“The day was great! The weather was perfect!” says Video Teller Supervisor Brittany Dahlke, pictured at left with Customer Assistance Specialist Elena Altoro-Rodriguez and Customer Assistance Rep Krista Strom. “I was there from about 10am to 4pm, when the zoo closed, so it was a full day. We rode the Zoomobile around for a tour and also walked around to look at the different exhibits, while still spending time in the picnic area. It was well put together.”

Consumer Loan Specialist Glenda Jackson and her family had a wonderful day. Pictured at her left are son Michael and daughter Ericca, and at her right are daughter Tia and grandkids Deaija and Jada. “They really enjoyed the hippo and the elephant, who put on a good show,” Glenda says. “The food was great, and it was such a beautiful day! It was really nice, relaxing with coworkers and family, and watching the expressions on the children’s and adults’ faces! My family looks forward to this every year!”

From right: Southridge Assistant Branch Manager–Sales Dulce Gutierrez and Consumer Loan Specialist Yvette Burdette with Dulce’s husband, Juan, and their two boys, 9-year-old Carlos and 5-year-old Danny. “We had a great time at the zoo!” Dulce reports. “Our favorite part was the train, and my kids love seeing the monkeys! We even saw a baby monkey. We really appreciate that zoo outing with the family that NSB sponsors. It is a great time to unwind and see different NSB employees.”

“We had perfect weather and an awesome time at the zoo,” says Secondary Market Specialist Marzena Kroll, taking a ride with daughter Olivia, 1, and son Jackson, 2. “Jackson is so into trains — he just loved the ride.”

“Jackson is so into trains — he just loved the ride. His priceless smile says it all!” says Marzena, who took the shot at left. At right, West Allis Teller Cristin Erdmann made sure to snap a “Seymour Selfie” at the zoo.

“We had a fantastic day!” says Sales, Service & Lending Support Manager Michael Ebbensgard, at left with 8-year-old Jacob, 3-year-old Emily, and wife Rebekah. “The kids loved the zoo, and the highlight was the North Shore Bank Safari Train.”

“It was a perfect day, from the weather to the food to mingling with so many of my North Shore Bank ‘family’ members and their families,” says AVP Lynn Strothenke, seated next to her husband, Kurt. Payroll Manager Cindy Lohrey and AVP Cindy Hundt are at left. “Even the residents of the zoo were lively and entertaining.”
Adorable pictures- it looks as though everyone had a great time. Sure makes me feel badly I couldn’t make it :(
Love the “Seymour selfie” Cristin!