North Shore Shape Up: Fiber can help prevent leaky gut

You’re never just eating for yourself. As Cleveland Clinic Wellness reminds us:

Our digestive tracts house trillions of…microscopic organisms, and what you eat affects which bacteria thrive. The balance of bacteria, in turn, affects an important barrier in the colon that separates the bacteria from the body’s cells. Eating a plant-based, fiber-rich diet may encourage beneficial bacteria and, therefore, a sturdy barrier, while eating a low-fiber, Western-style diet (as in, highly processed and refined foods, lots of salt and sugar, and fat and protein from red meat) may lead to harmful bacteria and a weak barrier.

A weak barrier, or “leaky gut,” can quickly encourage inflammation. To avoid that, the clinic recommends eating lots of produce with plenty of fiber: “Carrots, sweet potatoes, brown rice, steel cut oats, apples, beans, quinoa, whole wheat, bananas, artichokes, onions, fruits and veggies, grains, and legumes are fantastic sources of fiber and nutrients.” Delicious!

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