Pulaski branch helps students learn the power of kindness, giving back

Pulaski Assistant Branch Manager Caitlin Maloney and Katie Longsine, AVP, community engagement manager, shopped with the students for items for the food pantry.

Following the recent Bank on Kindness™ kickoff in Pulaski, the branch hosted an event to continue spreading kindness within the community and to help support those in need. Last week, the bank supplied a group of local students with $500, and the students were given the unique and rewarding task of shopping for items to be donated to the Community Pantry of Pulaski. This initiative helped provide essential supplies for the food pantry and instilled a sense of responsibility and community service among the students.

Armed with shopping carts and grocery lists, the students walked the aisles of Super Ron’s grocery store, carefully selecting a variety of non-perishable food items, including pasta, peanut butter, and cereal. They even got to pick out some of their favorite food items to donate. 02792 The experience was educational and rewarding for the students, as they learned how their efforts to give back positively impact their neighbors.

After the shopping trip, North Shore Bank employees helped unload and stock the items at the pantry.

“We were so excited to organize this event and look forward to continuing to spread kindness all summer long,” Katie Longsine, AVP, community engagement manager, said.

The Pulaski News covered the event, too. Way to go, Pulaski branch!

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