Customer Support Center awards Olympic-style medals to team members

The Deposit Services and IRA team took Gold.

The Olympic Symbol represents the five continents of Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. For a few days, it also represented the five departments that make up the CSC Team: Checking/ACH Services, Contact Center, Debit Card and ATM Processing, Deposit Services and IRA, and Security and Loss Prevention.

While the world watched Olympic athletes compete on the biggest stage of their lives, CSC, too, held its own Olympics, an idea hatched by Jude Lengell, Vice President of Banking Services and Operations. Each member of the team was awarded points based on being recognized by their peers when caught demonstrating lessons learned from our Do’s and Don’ts training and 101 Ways to Build Customer Loyalty. They also sprinkled in a few fun activities that carried the Olympic theme.

“With North Shore Bank’s focus on Possibility Thinking, we thought this would be a great opportunity to tie this in with an Olympic theme to recognize our team members that overcome hurdles, volley to victory, sprint to the finish line, assist and score for the win!” said Laura Kramer, Vice President and Debit Card and Banking Operations manager.

Below are the five events in which team members could nominate a co-worker. Over the seven-day Olympic Event, there were more than 140 nomination points!


  • OVERCOMING HURDLES – team member assists a demanding customer or situation with a solution that meets or exceeds expectations.
  • VOLLEY TO VICTORY – team member requests assistance from another team member for a solution that meets or exceeds expectations.
  • SPRINTING TO THE FINISH LINE – time-sensitive project, customer interaction/complaint, or task completed on time or before the compressed timeline.
  • ASSISTS – team member offers recommendations/solutions to improve:
    • Processes/tasks to gain efficiencies
    • Customer communications for clarity and branding
    • Colleague growth and successes
  • SCORE FOR THE WIN – use possibility thinking to assist internal or external customers with resolution to a problem.

Below is the listing of our CSC Olympians who earned medals. Congratulations to each of them, and a special thank you to the entire CSC team for nominating and participating in the 2024 CSC Summer Olympics!

Overcoming Hurdles

  • Gold – Kat Grunert, Senior Contact Center Representative
  • Silver – Emily Glapinski, Loss Prevention Investigator
  • Bronze – Bertha Huerta, Debit Card Supervisor

Volleying to Victory

  • Gold – Sara Carter, Contact Center Team Lead
  • Silver – Linda Lassa, Checking Services Team Lead
  • Bronze – Amber Gruhlke, Contact Center Operations Specialist

Sprinting to the Finish Line

  • Gold – Christine Shehow, Deposit Products Application Administrator
  • Silver – Carrie Feiker, Senior Deposit Operations Specialist
  • Bronze – Sharon Phillips, Consumer Digital Banking Representative


  • Gold – Casey Kopacz, Senior Deposit Operations Specialist
  • Silver – Kristin Hoch, Deposit Operations Team Lead
  • Bronze – Debra Jones, Deposit Operations Representative

Score for the Win

  • Gold – Jorge Guel, Senior Contact Center Representative
  • Silver – Adrianna Mendoza, Contact Center Specialist
  • Bronze – Nancy Adamski, Senior ACH Specialist

In the area of fun and games, winners were:


  • Gold – Erica Kuik, ACH Representative
  • Silver – Braydn Zomchek, Intern
  • Bronze – Shamika Harris, Loss Prevention Representative

Find Seymour

  • Gold – Erica Kuik, ACH Representative
  • Silver – Shamika Harris, Loss Prevention Representative
  • Bronze – Jennifer Mooney, Senior Debit Card/ATM Processing Specialist

Word Scramble

  • Gold – Vince Hoch, Debit Card/ATM Processing Specialist
  • Silver – Nancy Hanson, Receptionist
  • Bronze – Debra Jones, Deposit Operations Representative

The Security and Loss Prevention team took Silver.

Team standings:

  • Gold – Deposit Services and IRA
  • Silver – Security
  • Bronze – Contact Center

The Contact Center team took Bronze. (Jorge Guel and Amber Gruhkle are missing from the photo.)




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