Get to know Erika Smith and Debra Frelk

We’re reaching out to new employees to learn a little bit more about them! If you’re newer to North Shore and want to share something about yourself, please email

Erika Smith, Fox Point Branch Manager

Erika Smith (in black baseball cap) with her dance group

Erika got into country and line dancing in 2022 and hasn’t stopped since! She dances one to three nights per week with her group at spots in Wisconsin and Illinois. The group recently performed at a large event at the Budweiser Pavilion at the Wisconsin State Fair, and they’ve done some charity events, too. Erika learned to dance from a friend who is also a DJ and instructor, and sometimes, Erika assists with her DJ gigs. In fact, she’s headed to Colorado on a trip soon where she’ll be visiting some dance halls, sightseeing and helping to DJ at a wedding. 

Debra Frelk, Teller at the Franklin Branch

Debra started in banking early in her career, managing a branch in Door County, and returns to it now at the Franklin branch. She started with North Shore Bank in July. In between, Debra’s taken some fabulous trips and raised a large family—12 children and 19 grandchildren—with her husband of 39 years. The couple once took a three-week trip around the world, visiting 13 countries. Two key stops on that trip? The Australian Tennis Open (two of the couple’s closest friends were playing in it) and ending the trip at the Super Bowl in Dallas. Debra loves her time with family, seeing her children achieve their goals and watching her grandchildren grow up. 

Debra Frelk with her family






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