Here are photos from a couple events North Shore Bank has participated in over the last few weeks. If you’ve got a branch event to report on, be sure to let us know at
“I Left My Heart on Broadstreet,” Feb. 9. North Shore Bank was the main sponsor at this annual community event in the village of Greendale. We sponsored an ice-sculpting contest and gave prizes to three winners.

Maddie Bettinger (daughter of Franklin and Southridge Branch Manager Jennelle Bettinger), Southridge BOSM Judy Wozniak, Franklin SB Becky Ninneman and Southridge CSR Lauren Jensen donned leis to work our booth at “Broadstreet,” which had a Hawaiian theme this year.

Seymour Savings (Maddie Bettinger) had a quacking good time helping judge the ice sculptures.
Sussex welcomes Pewaukee Cub Scouts, Jan. 19. Cub Scout Den 9 from Pewaukee visited our Sussex branch in January. The Scouts got a tour of the branch and saw offices, the coin machine, the ATM and the self-serve storage boxes, among other things. Webmaster Tim Gluth’s son Carter is a member of the den.

Sussex Branch Manager Candy Walecki gives the Cub Scouts a tour of the branch as Webmaster Tim Gluth looks on.