Tag Archives: Issue 20130725

Know your boundaries at work to avoid problems

Boundaries can be more complicated than they seem. When you run into trouble at work, it might be because you’re concerning yourself with issues that aren’t actually your responsibility. You can waste a lot of time and energy worrying about things that aren’t within your power to control — and you might get into trouble for it, too.

The latest issue of Access from Aurora Health Care discusses how you can learn to recognize and stay within your own “circle of responsibility” here at work. It offers six tips for setting healthy boundaries at work:

  1. Be clear and specific in your communication.
  2. Be honest about your feelings.
  3. Recognize what is and is not in your power to change.
  4. Develop a support system.
  5. Don’t engage in unfair communication techniques.
  6. Learn to listen. This takes practice!

Check out Access in PDF form for more explanation of these tips. Keeping them in mind will help you stay clear on your responsibilities at the office and steer clear of potential trouble spots.