Tag Archives: Issue 20130919

Foods may be best medicine for certain health problems

Photo by Flickr user EraPhernalia Vintage.

Photo by Flickr user EraPhernalia Vintage.

Eating the right foods can help alleviate a host of health issues, according to a fascinating article from CNN and Health.com. The story recommends dietary solutions to problems ranging from bloating to insomnia to PMS. A few especially interesting tidbits:

Eating breakfast keeps your emotions on an even keel. A study found that people who skipped breakfast tended to be more tired and had more trouble remembering things than those who didn’t. According to the article, “The optimal breakfast includes a whole grain to supply glucose for your brain to run on, protein to satisfy hunger and keep your blood sugar levels steady and one or two antioxidant-rich fruits or vegetables … [such as] 100 percent whole-grain cereal that contains at least 4 grams of fiber and no more than 5 grams of sugar, eaten with fruit and low-fat milk.”

Cherries can help you beat insomnia. “These sour powerhouses — which you can eat fresh, dried or juiced — possess anti-inflammatory properties that may stimulate the production of cytokines, a type of immune-system molecule that helps regulate sleep. Tart cherries are also high in melatonin, a hormone that signals the body to go to sleep and stay that way.” So if you’re not sleeping well, maybe ask one of our branches up near Door County to send a care package?

Iron may shield you from PMS. “Researchers looked at the diets of 3,000 women over 10 years and found that those who consumed more than 20 milligrams of the mineral daily had about a 40 percent lower risk of PMS than those who ingested less than 10 milligrams,” the article says. “You can get almost your full daily dose by eating 1 cup of an iron-fortified cereal; other great sources include white beans (4 milligrams per one-half cup) and sautéed fresh spinach (3 milligrams per one-half cup).”

Check out the whole article for more tips — and if you’ve got any of your own, please share them in the comments!