“The First Thanksgiving 1621,” from the Pageant of a Nation series of paintings by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris. Note that the famous artwork contains a number of historical inaccuracies — for example, the Pilgrims would not have been wearing black outfits at the time, nor would the Wampanoag Indians have worn feathered headdresses.
Thanksgiving is almost upon us, and to mark the holiday, Shorelines wants to hear what parts of your life you are especially grateful for. Your family? Your co-workers? The resilience of North Shore Bank in what have been troubled financial times? Or maybe you just got a cool new phone — that would be okay too.
Email a few sentences to shorelines@northshorebank.com about what you are most thankful for this year. Feel free to include a photo if you want. Get your responses to us by 5 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 25. We’ll collect the answers and run them in a post next Wednesday, Nov. 27, in a special pre-Thanksgiving edition of Shorelines.
As for me, I feel incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to work with and talk to North Shore Bank employees every week in the process of putting together this newsletter. That is not empty flattery — it’s been a consistent pleasure getting to know so many of you. The people at North Shore Bank, Illinois State Bank and Bank of Kenosha make themselves readily available, respond quickly when I need information on a tight deadline and are unequivocally friendly, professional and committed to their work in every communication I’ve had with them. Thank you so much for that, from me and from Shorelines contributor Kathy. You make this job fun.
And thank you for reading! Now tell us what you’re thankful for!
Your editor,