Tag Archives: Issue 20140410

South Region branches score high on SOAR standards with internal customers

On February 26, the South Region invited our internal customers to rate their satisfaction with the level of service they received from the South Region branches. We received 483 responses. The survey asked a series of questions related to our SOAR service standards (see below) and overall satisfaction rating.

In response to the SOAR questions, respondents could select a response of “always,” “usually,” “seldom,” or “never” based on their service experiences with the South Region over the previous two months. Each branch was rated separately; what we are providing here is a roll-up for the entire region. Those service standards and results included:

Over 87 percent of the time, those of you surveyed replied that our region always followed the SOAR service standards. In addition to asking internal customers to rate the SOAR service standards, the survey asked for responses to two more items for each branch: (1) Please let us know if there is anything we can do to better meet your needs, and (2) Is there any particular person you would like to recognize? We received 41 free-form responses to the first question and 128 free-form responses to the second question.

A high percentage of the feedback from the first question was related to our acquisition and conversion in our Kenosha market. We have a strong desire to increase the overall satisfaction in this area with training and helping everyone adjust to the changes. We are positive that we have overcome our challenges and are in a better place to help both our internal and external customers.

As for the second question, the 128 recognition comments we received are fantastic and meaningful. All branches received very positive comments, and this shows  we are all working together to meet the needs of both our internal and external customers. The teamwork in our region is fantastic, and we thank everyone for their support. These comments are greatly appreciated.

We would like to thank all who completed the survey and shared your feedback and comments. We truly believe that through these surveys, we will be able to develop our teams to deliver the best service to all customers internally and externally.