Chris from In Tandem Theatre recites the poem the theater company wrote to mark Steve Steiner’s retirement.
Former Senior VP Steve Steiner, who retired in March, has been a longtime supporter of Milwaukee’s United Performing Arts Fund. Fittingly, one of the arts groups UPAF supports chose to pay tribute to Steve upon his departure from North Shore Bank.
In Tandem Theatre wrote a poem in honor of Steve, and troupe member Chris came in to recite it aloud. Here’s the full text of the poem:
The campaign sure looks rocky for the North Shore folks today;
The mentor they relied on, is now set to go away.
In all his years at North Shore Bank, he’s made a thousand friends,
And they are saddened that his tenure has come to an end.
An understanding fellow he — the patience of a saint —
If he was miffed or just annoyed, you never heard complaint.
This man of worth is full of mirth — a lustrous sense of humor.
His hearty laugh fills up the room; at least that is the rumor.
His chiseled visage, stately gait and shoulders broad and strong
Make women swoon and poets want to celebrate in song!
An ardent heart and razor mind are couched in this Adonis;
We know we’ll win, should he but turn his eagle gaze upon us!
Ability shines forth from him — in virtuoso vision —
He has the nerve to strategize with logical precision!
“Our campaign will be rudderless”, said we, “when he is gone,
And now we wonder if we have the guts to soldier on!
“We cannot do this on our own, our resources are taxed.
We’re slidin’ down a slippery slope; our energies are maxed!
Who will there be to champion us” — we bawl in baleful cry –
“Someone who’s passionate for the arts — but still an average guy?”
Then rose his rich but humble voice amidst this wail and woe,
“Take heart, my friends, and press on, even though I have to go!
You have the strength within you, and your zeal you’ll be retrievin’,
So please, no grievin’ or bereavin’ now that Steven’s leavin’!
The ethics and respect that you evince are surely grand,
And I know well that this campaign is in the best of hands.
I thank you, friends, for what you do, for takin’ up this task;
That you raise money for the Arts is more than I could ask.
The eight and thirty arts groups that are part of UPAF’s legion
Bring art to kids — 400k are served throughout the region!
Music, Dance and Theatre are vital to us all;
And be assured, no contribution ever is too small!
Because of you, the arts will thrive for all that may come after,
Their ears will fill with music and their hearts will burst with laughter,
My Fighting Irish said it best and none have said it finer;
Take up the mantle, one and all, and win one for the Steiner!”