- Senior Commercial Loan Specialist Priscilla Hartling helps a Family Free Day attendee apply a temporary tattoo, while Seymour Savings (Scott Swanson, fiancé of Brookfield Capitol Teller Supervisor Cathy Piwaron, who was also at the event) looks on.
On April 5, North Shore Bank sponsored the Milwaukee County Zoo’s final Family Free Day until November. The public was invited to visit the zoo at no charge, and nearly 22,000 people turned out for the event.

Silver Spring Universal Banker Latia Clifton greets visitors to the zoo.
Besides checking out the animals, visitors could complete the North Shore Bank Savings Scavenger Hunt for the chance to win a $100 gas card.

Senior Lending Quality Control Specialist Nancy Knapp keeps an eye on things as kids color pictures of Seymour.
“Because it was a beautiful day, and because it was the last Family Free Day of the season, we had a really wonderful turnout,” said Marketing Communications Manager Kate Knox.