Branch Operations Support Supervisor Ashley Coleman was shopping for clothes last summer when she found herself faced with an important choice. “I was trying to find something that would fit me, and I kind of had to make the decision: Do I want to become a plus-size person, or do I want to make a change?” says Ashley, 27. She didn’t necessarily consider herself “big” at the time, she says, but she was right on the verge. A week later, she started Weight Watchers At Work. Since then, she’s lost 55 pounds.

Ashley before and after losing 55 pounds.
Why did you try Weight Watchers At Work?
Nancy Hanson always sends out her reminder emails for us to go, and I had seen them in the past and just kind of disregarded them. Then I had my shopping incident a week or so before Nancy sent one of her emails. I thought, Why not go? The worst thing that happens is, I don’t do well and I’m in the same position I am now.
What was your first meeting like?
There were just a couple other people there I was familiar with. Monika Ulatt talked about some of her major successes with the program, and just seeing that and knowing someone else had been in a similar situation and was able to do it was a real inspiration for me.
Was losing 55 pounds hard?
I think it was more just coming to the realization that I needed to pay attention to the way I ate. I just didn’t pay attention to portion size. The thing that really helped me was knowing that I could still have things I wanted. I didn’t feel limited to certain foods. I still did pretty much the same things I was used to doing, but I maybe walked more and didn’t eat as large of portions.
What was the biggest challenge?
The majority of my family is overweight, and that’s what I’m used to — we push food and involve food in everything we do. That was one of those major obstacles, saying no to something and knowing they’d continue to push food on me. I tried to bring at least one of my own dishes to family gatherings, so that I’d have a healthy option there — fruit or a veggie plate. Something pretty simple, but that I knew was a good go-to.
The next session of Weight Watchers At Work starts on Friday, May 30. There’s an open house at Corporate next Friday, May 23, in the third-floor Presentation Room from 11 to 11:30 a.m. The open house is free, and if you sign up for the program, you can pay later. Employees at other locations can also sign up for Weight Watchers At Work and enjoy the benefits of the program while attending meetings in their communities. If at least 12 employees sign up, the cost will be $156 for 12 weeks; if 15 or more sign up, the cost will be $156 for 14 weeks. The cost can be deducted from your payroll. If you get a friend to sign up, you will both receive a FREE six-month subscription to Weight Watchers Magazine.