The North Shore Bank relay marathon team: Stephen, Erika, Mickey, Chris, and Darren.
A team from North Shore Bank competed in the Orthopedic & Sports Institute Relay Marathon at the Fox Cities Marathon on Sunday, Sep 21. The relay marathon was just what it sounds like: Each team member ran a leg of the race before handing off the team’s timing tag to another member, who ran the next leg.
Team members were Allouez Branch Manager Mickey Adams, Investment Consultant Darren Grayson, Northland Teller Erika Meyer, Mickey’s sister Chris, and Stephen Hack, husband of Howard/Green Bay West Branch Manager Sharon Hack.
“It was a lot of fun. It was my first race ever, so I was pretty proud of myself for finishing,” reports Erika, who did a five-mile leg and says she’s “not really” an everyday runner. “This is supposed to be motivation to become a regular runner. I really liked it, so I’ll have to do more!”
Our team finished the race in 3 hours, 59 minutes, and 38 seconds, coming in 49th out of 157 relay teams and eighth out of 30 corporate relay teams. Nice legwork, everyone!
Submitted by AVP/Northland Branch Manager Heather Starr.