Spotlight: Karen Tomaszewski retires Nov 6
Forest Home Teller Karen Tomaszewski has seen plenty of change in 28 years of banking. But building rewarding, satisfying relationships with coworkers and customers has stayed the same. “Some customers followed me here. Kids I used to give suckers to are bringing in kids of their own.” Please join us in wishing Karen a happy, fun-filled retirement!
Your Favorite Halloween Photos
We asked for your favorite Halloween photos from throughout the years, and here they are! You’ll see a lotta cute kids, a few grown-up trick-or-treaters, and at least one pet, too. As for the winner of the $25 gas card, it’s UB Diana Cornejo from Southwest. Congratulations, Diana, and happy Halloween, everyone! Be safe!
Around the Bank
• The Information Systems department put on a haunted house at Corporate to raise money for the MACC Fund. Check out these great photos of the spooktacular goings-on.
[caption id=”attachment_12351″ align=”aligncenter” width=”300″] “We had a customer appreciation day and decided we would each decorate a pumpkin,” Teller Supervisor Rosanne Pulvermacher says of her crew at Brookfield Capitol. “Customers voted on their favorite. We also all baked, and we had hot dogs for the customers. We collected food for the St. Agnes food pantry. One pumpkin (above) was made to look like Branch Manager Maria Baumer — a customer blew that one a kiss! We had more than 50 votes on the pumpkins, and the Maria pumpkin won.”[/caption]
• More Pink Day action for you, as our branches and departments mark National Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October. We have photos from Green Bay West, Menasha, Northland, Shorewood, and West Allis this week.

“We had our fiscal year leaders’ wrap-up meeting and lunch,” AVP Lynn Strothenke reported last week. “We had a great year and accomplished much.” Pictured are, front row: Kim Imroth, Lynn, Cindy Hundt, Lyneen Fischer, Colleen Egan, and Jude Lengell. Back row: Denine Johnston, Natalie Canadeo, Helen Halaska, Erica Johnson, Barb Finnegan, and Wendy Gyles. The fiscal year department wrap-up took place this week.
• “We participated in the 75th Annual Fall Festival Parade in Sister Bay,” reports Sister Bay Branch Manager Dede Mickelson. “[UB Patsy Reichert’s] husband dressed up in the Seymour costume, and Teller Supervisor [Becky Redling’s] husband drove him in the parade. We had an injured Teller Mary Blazer and her sister ride along in the convertible. The rest of us walked alongside and handed our bags out to children — they contained the Seymour Savings color brochure, crayons, and candy. We decided we needed about twice as many as we prepared, but we had a great time!”
North Shore Shape Up
• Wake up without coffee. Lots of us love our coffee, but an abundance of caffeine can also leave you feeling jumpy or make it hard to sleep. Here are five tips, courtesy of the Huffington Post, for getting going in the morning without a cup of java:
- Use the sun. Researchers have found that exposure to bright light in the early hours both improves alertness throughout the day and helps you sleep better at night.
- Massage your pressure points — top of the head, the spot between your thumb and index finger, just below your kneecap, under the ball of your foot, and at the base of your neck — for three minutes each.
- Drink a glass of ice water first thing when you wake up, and switch to cool water for the last couple minutes of your shower. (Warning: You may want to wait till April or May to try this one, Wisconsinites.)
- A walk, a run, or just a few simple calisthenics will stimulate your endorphins and get your blood moving again after a night of sleep.
- A protein-rich breakfast will provide slow-burning fuel for your body that will keep you going until lunchtime.
• And the “Walktober” challenge is coming to a close! Remember to send your activity sheet to Molly Schissler at by Nov 4 for a chance to win a Sports Authority gift card.
Internal Job Postings
• Traveling Teller, South/Central districts, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $300. Internal closing date: TODAY.
• Assistant Branch Manager–Sales, Franklin, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $500. Internal closing date: Oct 31.
• Personal Banker, Mequon, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $500. Internal closing date: Oct 31.
• Teller Supervisor, Franklin, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: Oct 31.
• Video Teller, Brookfield Square/Corporate, full time, 40 hours/week. Internal closing date: Oct 31.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!