Rachel and her daughter Maggie.
You may have heard about the medical emergency at Corporate earlier this month: Consumer Loan Servicing Specialist Rachel Knitter collapsed at her desk after a totally unexpected heart attack; her coworkers had to perform CPR on her until an ambulance arrived, and she was put on life support immediately at the hospital. Things did not look good. Rachel is only 35 and has a husband and young daughter.
Thankfully, she is in the process of recovering. As of last week, she was off the respirator, sitting up, talking, and eating light meals. Her supervisor, Loan Operations Manager Joe Fretschel, sent the following email to Corporate employees.
A word of thanksgiving:
With the “holiday of giving thanks” approaching quickly, we really don’t have to look far for reasons to give thanks. Last week, we all experienced how fragile life is, and how quickly life changes can happen. Our coworker and friend Rachel was in trouble, and we are thankful we were there to help and support her when she needed us most. We’re thankful that she is doing better, and hopeful we will see her again very soon.
We’re also thankful for the many people who have reached out to us, asking how Rachel is, and also inquiring as to how we’re holding up. The support we have been shown through the words expressed by everyone, and the thoughtful gestures — such as bringing in a grief counselor — have made it easier to cope with the many memories we will not soon forget. We wish we could thank each individual by name who has been kind and thoughtful enough to express concern for Rachel and for us, but know that our deepest thanks are there, if as of yet unspoken.
We all learned a lot this past week, about ourselves, about each other, and about how life is a gift, not a guarantee. We’ve checked on each other more in the past week than we probably have all year. It’s been said that we were put on earth not to see through each other, but to see each other through. We certainly felt that message and hope that everyone reading this email will continue to embrace this as well.
Thank you again from our department to all of you.
In this season of love, fellowship, and thankfulness, let’s remember what’s important and how quickly things can change. We’re thankful for Rachel’s continued well-being, that of her family, and that of everyone at North Shore Bank.