Around the Bank
Go Red for Women: North Shore Bank employees put on their best red outfits last Friday to raise awareness of women’s heart disease and stroke, and the Corporate Community Outreach Committee put together some nifty gifts for the staff at HQ, too. Plus: heart-healthy recipes!

Hearts in the right place: On Feb 5, the Loan Servicing department threw a surprise luncheon for Consumer Loan Servicing Specialist Rachel Knitter, who suffered a heart attack at work in November. Rachel’s supervisor, Loan Operations Manager Joe Fretschel, presented her with a check for donations made by her North Shore Bank colleagues, totaling $3,860. “I was pleasantly surprised with the outpouring of love that everyone has shown me,” Rachel said. “North Shore Bank employees, family, and friends have been so generous — not only donating, but also keeping me in their thoughts and prayers. I couldn’t ask for a better company to work for.”
Girl Scouts visit Green Bay East: Branch Manager Lisa Sment took Green Bay Girl Scouts Troop 4026 on a tour to learn about financial literacy, how banks work, and women in business as part of the scouts’ work to earn their My Money badges.
Dash for Cash thank-yous: We got a nice surprise from students at Howard Elementary, who sent handmade notes thanking us for putting on the Dash for Cash at the Green Bay Gamblers hockey game on Jan 24.
Tosa All-City Read: And our Wauwatosa branch will accept donations for foster families on behalf of Tosa’s All-City Read. Here’s what you can give to help.
Service Anniversaries
You can congratulate your coworkers on their anniversaries in the comments.
“I have really enjoyed my time at North Shore Bank over the last 5 years,” says Preston Chybowski, associate relationship manager, commercial real estate. “My favorite part of my job is the continuous interaction with various departments here.”
North Shore Shape Up
The scoop on gluten: There’s a lot of buzz about gluten lately — specifically, whether cutting the protein out of your diet can improve your health. If you’re thinking about going gluten-free, here are a few things you should know, courtesy of
The biggest thing to note is that foods labeled “gluten-free” may still have gluten in them — the label just means the product’s gluten content is 20 parts per million or less. Foods with such a low amount of gluten are generally not harmful to people with celiac disease or a gluten intolerance, but some people do report negative reactions. advises: “If you’re concerned, stick with unpackaged, whole food sources of starch that are naturally gluten free, like fruit, potatoes, squash, and root vegetables.”
Be aware, too, that people with celiac disease or other serious gluten issues should probably avoid gluten-free fast-food options, as those foods are generally prepared in kitchens where gluten is present and can be contaminated. And on that note, remember that “gluten-free” isn’t synonymous with “healthy.” Gluten-free fast food and junk food aren’t significantly better than their glutenous counterparts if you’re trying to lose weight or eat more nutritiously.
Internal Job Postings
• Universal Banker, McHenry, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: Feb 13.
• Area Branch Manager, Southridge/Franklin, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $750. Internal closing date: Feb 16.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!