40 years in, Darrel Eisenhardt still finds the job interesting
Four decades is a long time, to be sure — but not too long for VP Darrel Eisenhardt. “I have found my job so interesting with the different responsibilities that I have had over the past 40 years that I have never dreaded coming to work,” he confesses. “All the changes in banking can be a challenge to keep up with. But if you have knowledgeable coworkers who have expertise in areas that you are not familiar with, that helps a lot to resolve those challenges.” Read more about Darrel’s long career here.
From HR: Update on employee engagement surveys
We’ve received a lot of supportive and happy comments (which we’re grateful for), as well as a number of suggestions for improvement (which we’re also grateful for!). Here, courtesy of Molly Schissler, are answers to some questions about how to share electronic documents more efficiently, run webinars, and make suggestions to management, plus information about how our health plan works and future concerns. Please take a look — you bring a lot of value to the bank when you share your feedback.
Around the Bank
UPAF drive: Corporate held a series of events to raise funds for the United Performing Arts Fund last week, including a pancake breakfast on Monday, an arts carnival and chili cook-off on Wednesday, and an ice cream social on Friday. We’ll have more next week on the final results from the drive; you can check out Janet Russell’s winning chili recipe here. Above, Debit Risk Specialist Peggy Theisen and Senior Debit Card Risk Specialist Berta Huerta nab a few flapjacks.

Pulaski PB April Stevenson, Mistine Thomson, ABMO Karen Jach, and UB Nikki Olson at the fundraiser.
Pulaski fundraiser: Pulaski branch employees attended a fundraiser for the Pulaski Education Foundation on Apr 22. This was the first such fundraiser for the foundation. “They are looking to get a foothold to help provide scholarships to the graduates of Pulaski High School,” said Branch Manager Mistine Thomson. “It had good attendance, with about 100 people, but they are planning to continue to build the event each year.”
Metro South SOARs: Internal customers rated their satisfaction with the level of service they received from the Metro South District branches — and the news was good. Lauri Lunde has more on that.
Together, Achieving More: Reminder: All non-sales, non-branch employees can earn cash prizes or reward points through the bank’s “Together, Achieving More” referral program and CEO Checking Challenge. Here’s more information.
Branch of the Week

Justin Kasten, Kristina Roberts, Jayme Oatsvall, Barb Blazina, Tiffany Keel (with 8-month-old son Kenny), and John Ryczek of Burlington.
Burlington: Welcome to Chocolate City, USA! John Ryczek gives us the skinny on what they’ve got at the Burlington branch, including a onetime Elvis impersonator and way too many spiders. Read about it here.
Here’s one of many great comments we’ve heard from North Shore Bank customers. Thanks for making this the Bank of You!
Lake in the Hills Assistant Branch Manager–Sales Sue Tagatz and Area Branch Manager John Ryczek were both named in a wonderfully complimentary letter from a customer earlier this month. The letter read:
Dear Sue,
[My wife] and I want to say thanks to you for advising us to open a HELOC [home equity line of credit] in September 2009. We are utilizing this product now to reduce our monthly mortgage payment.John Ryczek has assisted us in getting our “ducks in a row” and soon, and very soon, we anticipate closing with YOUR bank.
Six years ago, I was unable to envision this application — but I’m thankful that you could … and advised us accordingly.
Thanks for being our “advocate banker” all these years. We’re glad to hear that your work commute is so convenient.
The best wishes for good health go to you and yours.
Just beautiful. Very nice work, Sue and John.
Service Anniversaries
You can congratulate your coworkers on their anniversaries in the comments.
“I am amazed that 10 years have flown by so quickly,” says VP and Branch Sales Manager Craig Witz. “It seems like yesterday I was newly hired and learning the ropes. I have enjoyed working with fantastic people in all areas of the bank, and I hope I have given back a portion of what others have given to me in terms of encouragement, support, and developmental opportunities.”
North Shore Shape Up
Less stress, more joy: Life is hard, but it’s also easy. Confused? Holistic health and transformational coach Dana Kowalewski — owner of Spark Wellness Solutions — will visit Corporate for a Lunch and Learn on May 6 from 11:30am to 12:30pm. She will teach attendees how to make every day feel less stressful, so that we can experience more joy — because who doesn’t want that? Whether you want to lose weight, develop a healthier lifestyle, or change your perspective, Dana will share coaching techniques that can help you get there and easily become part of your daily routine.
A conference line will be opened up so that branches are able to join the session as well. All attendees will have their names entered in a drawing for a copy of a book Dana will be referencing: You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise L. Hay. If you are interested in participating, please RSVP via email to Pat Ingelse at pingelse@northshorebank.com.
Recipe of the Week
Award-winning chili: On Apr 22, Senior Deposit Operations Specialist Janet Russell took top honors in the chili cook-off at Corporate to raise money for the United Performing Arts Fund. Here’s the recipe that won it all for Janet. She notes: “This is a hot chili recipe, so if you aren’t a big fan of spicy food, I recommend cutting back the spices and making adjustments from there.”
Internal Job Postings
• Training Specialist, Brookfield – Human Resources, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $500. Internal closing date: May 1.
• Residential Loan Specialist, Corporate, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: May 6.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to nsbcareersforyou.silkroad.com and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!