We have an abbreviated Shorelines this week in anticipation of the Fourth of July holiday weekend. Everyone have fun and celebrate safely!
North Shore Stars
Congratulations to Debit Risk Specialist Peggy Theisen, who earned a whopping 3,000 reward points for a successful customer referral in our “Together, Achieving More” program. You read that right — 3,000 points for a single referral, for a home equity line of credit, or HELOC product. “Their home was actually paid off — they could have gone anywhere and gotten a HELOC,” Peggy says. “But I talked them into North Shore Bank! I knew we’d be a good fit for them.” Nice work, Peggy.
And congratulations also to Indirect Sales Team Leader Bruce Craker. According to SVP Mike Kellman, “Bruce achieved a ‘world record’ for indirect marine and RV production in April” by booking $5.1 million in volume. North Shore Bank’s previous such record, set in May 2011, was $4.9 million. “It’s been a very strong year for everyone in the department,” Bruce says. “It’s awesome! We’ve been really busy.” Keep it up, everybody!
Here are some of the great comments we’ve heard from our customers. Thanks for making this the Bank of You!
“Mickey Adams at North Shore’s Allouez branch is always very professional and has helped us a great deal, no matter what the issue is.”
“The people at Illinois State Bank in McHenry are always friendly and helpful. They know their customers by name and always take time to interact with them.”
“The women at the bank are knowledgeable, fun, know who I am, and can answer all my banking questions. They go out of their way to make sure I get my questions answered.”
North Shore Shape Up
Stay hydrated: We should have beautiful, sunny weather for this weekend’s festivities, but that also means you’ll want to drink plenty of water when you’re out in the heat, particularly if you’re moving around a lot or performing lots of physical activity. The average man should aim to drink about 3.7 liters of water on a hot, active day — that’s almost a gallon! The average woman should aim for 2.7 liters, or about three quarters of a gallon. And if you’re partaking of any alcoholic beverages, remember to alternate and have some water in between, too.
Internal Job Postings
• Teller, Northside/Westgate, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $300. Internal closing date: July 3.
• Universal Banker, Pewaukee, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: July 3.
• Assistant Branch Manager–Sales, Green Bay East, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $500. Internal closing date: July 6.
• Lending Quality Control Specialist, Loan Administration–Corporate, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: July 6.
• Personal Banker, Fox Point, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $500. Internal closing date: July 6.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to nsbcareersforyou.silkroad.com and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!