Tag Archives: Issue 20150806

August 6, 2015

Around the Bank

Westgate Teller Jessica Cranley and Union Grove Teller Supervisor Tiffany Duck (both at left) work North Shore Bank's booth at the fair.

Westgate Teller Jessica Cranley and Union Grove Teller Supervisor Tiffany Duck (both at left) work North Shore Bank’s booth at the fair.

Racine County Fair: Employees from the Racine County branches helped kids learn about saving money at this year’s Kid’s Day at the Racine County Fair. We decorated farm-themed banks with the kids and had fun introducing them to Seymour Savings. Big thank you to Area Branch Manager John Ryczek for being Seymour! North Shore Bank is also a sponsor of the petting zoo, which is always a HUGE hit throughout the entire length of the fair. Amy Sweet, Union Grove branch manager

Branch of the Week

The Wauwatosa team: Jennie Schlei, Lynn Fehr, Jazmin Vela, Kyle Vaclav, and Mary Rose Balzer.

The Wauwatosa team: Jennie Schlei, Lynn Fehr, Jazmin Vela, Kyle Vaclav, and Mary Rose Balzer.

Wauwatosa: Our branch in “Tosa” stays busy with events that engage the close-knit community. Branch Manager Mary Rose Balzer brings us up to date with the latest news.


North Shore Bank and Illinois State Bank are known for their practice of promoting from within. The following people were promoted in June. You can congratulate them in the comments.

Leigha Johnston, Universal Banker, Green Bay West
Anne Kagerah, Assistant Branch Manager–Sales, Brookfield Square
Danielle Ritz, Teller Supervisor, Pewaukee
Will Roberts, Assistant Branch Manager–Sales, Green Bay East

Service Anniversaries

You can congratulate your coworkers on their anniversaries in the comments.

“I am honored to be working for a company that has maintained a positive image within the communities we serve,” writes Internal Auditor Monika Ulatt, who marks 15 years with North Shore Bank this week. Her favorite part of the job, she writes, is “working with the various branch and department employees and seeing their tremendous talents directly contributing to North Shore Bank’s success!”

“I cannot believe that it has already been 5 years,” writes Mark Fairfield, area branch manager at Southridge, Franklin, and Forest Home. “Time flies when you are busy and having fun. From the front line to the back room, there is a true sense of ‘team’ here at NSB. I feel part of something good when I come to work each day, and it’s great working for a company whose mission is to help others reach their goals.”

New Managers

West Allis: Bonnie Klimt-Embertson came from Bank Mutual, where she managed the Bayshore, Grafton, and Cedarburg offices until she got the opportunity to open a new branch in Washington County in 2006. She managed Mutual’s West Bend branch for the last nine years. Bonnie grew up in Glendale, and when she was 19 years old went to Haiti for a month with a friend, on a mission with the Baptist church, to help put together a library. “It was one of the best experiences of my life,” she says.


Katie poses in her glamorous handcrafted veil, as nameTK looks on. Photo by Product Analyst Sherri Scalish.

Katie poses in her glamorous handcrafted veil, as Product Analyst Kinnon Schreiber looks on. Photo by Product Analyst Sherri Scalish.

On July 23, the IT department held a bridal shower for Application Development Manager Katie Rosnow. The event featured lots of food, and her coworkers gave her a wine fridge already stocked with nine bottles — “which she was very happy to receive,” notes VP Dana Scherff. They also made Katie a “veil” from paper plates and streamers.

And last month, Corporate Receptionist Nancy Hanson welcomed a new granddaughter, Victoria. Victoria was born 5 pounds, 15 ounces, and 18.5 inches long. “She’s just a little peanut!” says Nancy. “Victoria has a big brother, Leo, who is 16 months old. I was actually in the delivery room to welcome her into the world. It was truly amazing to be there!”


This week, Kenosha Main Branch Manager Julie Goebel shares some of the fantastic feedback her team at Kenosha Festival Foods has received:

“I recognize and applaud the great customer service provided by Joseph Beranis, Sarah Warren, and Elise Hernandez. All of my visits are extremely pleasant, accurately handled, most efficient (especially when compared to other banks). Joe is always helpful and anxious to serve. Sarah is welcoming, efficient, and always ‘up.’ And Elise is quick but always accurate, offering a wonderful customer experience. Truly a great team at my North Shore branch.”

“I love that the customer calls it ‘my North Shore branch,'” writes Julie. “Kenosha Festival Foods received 12 surveys last quarter with a composite final mean of 95.67; that is outstanding. A few more quotes…”

“It is always nice to come into your lobby. Thanks again for the friendly, knowledgeable service.”

“When banking in the lobby, I can do my grocery shopping and also get good value. It’s a good thing for me.”

“Sarah always greets us and asks how we are doing. Even if we aren’t going to the bank and just walk past while grocery shopping, she always says hi and knows us by our names.”

North Shore Shape Up

Tips for maintaining your ideal weight: Losing weight is a tremendous accomplishment — but maintaining your new lower weight is the real trick. MindBodyGreen has a list of tips that will help you keep the pounds off. Here are a few; see the whole list for more.

  • Make getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night a top priority.
  • Take steps to alleviate stress.
  • Choose a type of exercise you actually like.
  • Plan, plan, plan — know what you’ll be eating ahead of time, so that you aren’t forced to make bad choices on the fly.
  • Weigh yourself every Monday morning — it’ll help you get on track after the weekend.
  • Keep a daily food journal.

Internal Job Postings

No job postings this week.

For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to nsbcareersforyou.silkroad.com and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!