Connected to the Piggly Wiggly, our Howard branch is a popular stop for grocery-shopping customers who appreciate convenience — and pumpkins, as Branch Manager Sharon Hack explains. Just be careful not to get trapped in the ATM! Read on for more about that. Our featured department last week was Application Development.

Howard employees: Tavie Folk, Sharon Hack, and Rachel Scalish.
Sharon Hack, Branch Manager
Tavie Folk, Assistant Branch Manager–Sales
Rachel Scalish, Universal Banker
What is your community like? What’s it known for?
Howard is very community-focused. “Shop Howard first!” is a common saying among area businesses. Commercial, manufacturing, and single-family residential developments have grown exponentially in recent years here, and Howard continues to grow.
What annual or regular events are big deal at the branches?
Pumpkin Fest, at the end of September, is a huge event for the Howard branch. The Piggly Wiggly hosts this event and sells pumpkins very cheaply. They have many other sales and activities going on that day as well. We also participate in the Howard Christmas Parade in December.
What are some important moments or people in the branches’ history?
Two years ago, the branch celebrated our 10th anniversary. Also, last year in September, we were the first branch in North America to install a drive-up video teller machine. These were very exciting events we were lucky to be a part of!
Does your branch have any favorite or special customers?
We love helping one of our elderly customers, Mary, when she comes in. She looks and sounds just like Julia Child, and she is one of the sweetest ladies you’ll ever meet. We also sometimes see Packers players “shop the Pig”!
What services or products seem to be most important to your customers?
Our customers really like convenience. They oftentimes bank and shop in one stop, so they appreciate our quick employees and our online services.
Any personal celebrations or milestones among the people at your branch recently?
Tavie just had her first child in May — Cooper Michael Folk. He is adorable and looks just like his mama. Rachel’s girls are now 6 and almost 4. The youngest one just got her ears pierced! Rachel will be celebrating two years with the bank in October. Tavie has been with the bank eight years this month. And I will be with the bank 15 years in October.
Is there some music, or a TV show or movie or book or anything that’s notably popular among the people at your branch?
Rachel watches terrible reality shows, and Tavie and I watch really great dramas! :-D
What’s a great story from your branch?
A few years ago, I got stuck in the ATM outside the branch. I was servicing the ATM when a snowplow came through and pushed snow up against the door. When I went to exit the ATM, I found I couldn’t push the door open! I was calling out for help and even wrote on a piece of paper and stuck it through the crack of the door. A man drove by and saw — he quickly got a shovel and cleared the snow away from the door, so I could get out. I’ll never forget to carry my cell phone again!
Any exciting developments on the horizon?
The Howard branch is relocating! We’re moving down the street to the corner of Lineville and Cardinal. We will have a beautiful branch built in the spring. More information to come.