The people we’re thankful for
Last week, we invited you to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday by sharing photos of the people you were most thankful for. In this gallery, you can see your colleagues’ loved ones and read about them by clicking on each photo thumbnail. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you at North Shore Bank — travel safely and have a wonderful holiday!
Around the Bank
Flag collection: Our communities brought in over 2,000 worn flags to be retired this year, for the bank’s 14th annual flag collection event. The bank donated $1,000 apiece to both Stars and Stripes Honor Flight and Old Glory Honor Flight; both groups fly American military veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit memorials there. Corporate employees also raised almost $1,000 more for the honor flights.
American Legion veterans and Boy Scouts retired the flags properly in a ceremony earlier this month. VP Craig Witz addressed the crowd before the ceremony.
WBA awards: The Wisconsin Bankers Association recognized Compliance VP Duane Bavlnka, VP Darrel Eisenhardt, and District Manager Lauri Lunde with Lifetime Service Awards earlier this month. Among them, the three have a collective 115 years of banking experience.
“It was nice to be recognized by both NSB and the WBA for my years of service,” Duane said. “Forty years? It seems like only yesterday.”

Darrel, Lauri, and Duane with their awards.
And Lauri said: “I was very happy and surprised to receive the award. It was an honor to be presented with this recognition alongside two great people I trust and respect. I really do love what I do, and I’d like to thank North Shore for a great career.”
Cudahy Family Fun Fest: Cudahy invited kids and parents to stop by on Oct 31. The branch gave out pumpkins and refreshments, and the Halloween event featured a bounce house.

Costumed fitness fans got their Zumba on at Cudahy’s Halloween Family Fun Fest.
“Everyone had a great time despite the rainy day,” reports Branch Manager Robyn Applegarth. “The kids colored pumpkins and got lots of treats from the teller line. Our customers enjoyed chili that benefited the American Cancer Society and took advantage of free paper shredding. Zumba in costume with Anytime Fitness was a big hit! It was fun to see all the different costumes and watch everyone dance to ‘Thriller’ at the end.”
“Justin Kasten has really been helpful when it comes to helping me get the information I need to keep my accounts running smoothly,” writes a Burlington customer. Nice job, Justin!
North Shore Shape Up
Pillows and asthma: If you have asthma, it’s a good idea to change your pillowcase regularly, wash your pillow, and replace pillows once a year. Dust mites are attracted to the dead skin cells left on pillows and can make asthma and allergies worse. Wash your sheets in hot water at least weekly, and put your pillow in the dryer for a cycle on the hottest setting. (Tip courtesy of the Cleveland Clinic.)
Internal Job Postings
• Relationship Banker, Shorewood, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $500. Internal closing date: TODAY.
• Personal Banker, Mequon, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $500. Internal closing date: Nov 30.
• Personal Banker, MLK, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $500. Internal closing date: Nov 30.
• Teller Supervisor, MLK, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: Nov 30.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!