Tag Archives: Issue 20160630

North Shore Shape Up: Start up with Weight Watchers on July 10

It’s not too late to join the next session of Weight Watchers At Work! If you are looking to lose 10 pounds or more for the summer, now is the time!

The next 12-week session starts July 10.

If you are at a branch, you can sign up through the Corporate At Work group and attend a Weight Watchers meeting site in your area, at your convenience.

If you are at Corporate, feel free to stop by our meeting on July 1 at 11 a.m. in the Lower Level Lounge, and check us out.

The cost is $156 for 12 weeks, which includes 14 weeks of free e-tools. Payroll deduction is available.

If you are interested in signing up or would like more information, contact Nancy Hanson at nhanson@northshorebank.com.