Tag Archives: Issue 20160714

North Shore Shape Up: Ladies, heart disease affects women too

Although heart disease has long been considered more of an issue for men, the reality is that it’s still the leading cause of death for women, as the Berkeley Wellness blog reports. Moreover, the American Heart Association says that “coronary heart disease remains understudied, underdiagnosed, and undertreated in women.” This is even more true for black women and women under the age of 54. The upshot:

Not only are women less likely to realize when they are having a heart attack, but it’s often more challenging for doctors to diagnose it. This helps explain why while fewer American women have heart attacks than men each year, they are more likely to die when they have one.

The entire post is worth reading in full — you can download a PDF version. You may also want to look at this risk estimator for coronary disease. Stay healthy!