Tag Archives: Issue 20160714

Upcoming Events: July 14

For more information about our upcoming events, check out the Community Calendar.

2016’s Sussex Lions Daze run this Friday, July 15, through Sunday, July 17, at Sussex Village Park. The family-oriented fun will include a softball tournament, carnival rides, tons of food, and more. The “I Run the Village” 5K Run/Walk takes place Saturday morning.

The Waterford Area Chamber of Commerce’s sixth annual Balloonfest takes place Friday, July 15, through Sunday, July 17, on the grounds at Evergreen Elementary School. Besides beautiful hot-air balloons, there will be helicopter rides, a photo contest, and more.

This Saturday is Bicycle Safety Day in Burlington at North Shore Bank. Get your bike and helmet checked out, and more!

And on July 22, our Pulaski branch will host a Community Brat Fry and Open House to help the Pulaski Red Raider Marching Band raise funds for their trip to the Rose Bowl Parade.