Support our Heart Walk team
We’re hoping to get 65 people to sign up for Team North Shore for the 2016 American Heart Association Heart Walk on Sunday, September 18, and our goal is to raise $7,000. The walk informs people about heart disease and raises funds for research to fight it.
Goal: $7,000
Current amount raised: $325
Amount to go: $6,675
See who’s on the team here. And sign up for Team North Shore or make a donation on our team page.
Groundbreaking starts at Green Bay East

From left to right are: VP Darrel Eisenhardt, VP Craig Witz, Green Bay East Assistant Branch Manager Will Roberts, SVP Sue Doyle, Branch Manager Mickey Adams, District Manager Kerri Collins, VP Chris Boland, VP Tricia Cravillion, and MLO Cari Notz.
Groundbreaking has officially begun on our new Green Bay East branch. North Shore Bank team members, builders, and public officials showed up on August 16 to dig in. •••
McCullough crushes creampuff contest

Brandon, ready to take down the whole platter.
Corporate’s spring fundraiser for the United Performing Arts Fund included a creampuff-eating contest, and Systems Analyst Brandon McCullough emerged as the victor. The creampuffs were a nod to the fundraiser’s state fair theme. They look yummy, Brandon! •••
Fox Point sends young client to Europe in style

Fox Point Teller Evelyn Heu, Finn’s mom Meg, Carol, Finn, Assistant Branch Manager–Sales Michele Padovano, and Assistant Branch Manager–Operations Elizabeth Wianecki.
Customer Finn McFadyen started banking with North Shore Bank when he was 10. He recently left for college in Switzerland, and Fox Point held a going-away party for him. “We had a little cake for him that looked like the Swiss flag, and we gave him a Seymour stuffed toy,” reports Branch Manager Carol Bergen. “He was so excited, and we may be seeing some pictures of Seymour in various places in Europe over the school year.” •••
Service Anniversaries for August 2016
The following employees celebrate a major anniversary with North Shore Bank this month.
5 years
Senka Shkreli, Branch Manager, Oak Creek
Leave a comment to congratulate Senka!
Department of the Week: Help Desk
They’re busy, and they keep your computers running. Help Desk Manager Roger Arnesen gives us a very quick look at what he and his team do this week. “When in doubt,” Roger notes, “call us!” Read more about the Help Desk here.
Westgate’s Werner welcomes baby
Westgate Teller Supervisor Rachelle Werner stopped by the branch to show off her new daughter, Sophie. Sophie was born on August 5 at 4:45 p.m., weighing 8 pounds, 9 ounces, and coming in at 20.5 inches long. Rachelle and her husband, Jason, are obviously overjoyed. Congratulations, Rachelle! •••
North Shore Shape Up: Enjoy ice cream with less guilt
I scream, you scream — we really all do scream for ice cream! According to the International Dairy Foods Association, Americans consume about 22 pounds of it, per capita, per year. In fact, even George Washington spent $200 on the sweet treat back in 1790.
But ice cream’s irresistibleness doesn’t have to be our downfall. Berkeley Wellness has compiled a list of tips for healthier ice cream consumption. Here’s the short version:
- Portion control is key. An official serving size is ½ cup.
- Avoid or limit premium brands. Slow-churned ice cream usually has less sugar and fat.
- Consider frozen yogurt or sorbet (though still in moderation). They can be lower in fat, though often not in sugar.
- Limit your toppings, or choose healthier ones. Say no to M&Ms in favor of crushed nuts, fruit, or coconut shavings.
Also note that while sugar-free and non-dairy ice cream-style treats can be great options for some people, they’re not necessarily healthier. To check out the full list of tips, download the PDF. •••
Upcoming Events
Cudahy will hold its second annual Bluegrass in the Park concert on August 20. All proceeds will benefit efforts to restore Pulaski Park-Cudahy’s 1930s-era pavilion to make it available for public rental. More upcoming events here.
Internal Job Postings
- Universal Banker, Menasha, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: TODAY.
- Mortgage Loan Originator Trainee, Sussex, full time, 40 hours/week. Internal closing date: August 19.
- Personal Banker, Brookfield Capitol, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $500. Internal closing date: August 19.
- Personal Banker, Jackson Park, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $500. Internal closing date: August 19.
- Teller, El Rey, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $300. Internal closing date: August 19.
- Teller, Northland, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $300. Internal closing date: August 19.
- Teller, Franklin, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $300. Internal closing date: August 22.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!