Tag Archives: Issue 20170223

North Shore Shape Up: Eating is emotional, so use your brain

Struggling to lose weight? (Many of us are.) Cleveland Clinic Wellness has some important information for you:

A new survey of more than 1,000 Americans suggests that no matter how much we think we know about losing weight — for example, that we need to eat less and move more — the majority of people don’t realize just how important psychological well-being is to losing weight and keeping it off. Researchers say we need to pay closer attention to why we’re eating, since the strongest food cravings, and the ones that can sabotage our efforts, often come when we’re weakest emotionally. If you think emotional eating may be affecting your efforts to get to your ideal weight, try keeping a food journal. In addition to writing down what and when you eat, record how you’re feeling, too. Are you actually hungry? Or are you bored or stressed? Once you’re able to identify patterns in your eating, you’ll have a better chance of establishing healthier ones.

Real Simple offers guidance on how to keep a food journal, and Women’s Health shares four mistakes people often make when trying to keep one.