Shredding Day 2017 yields big haul of docs to destroy

Brookfield Square branch manager Margie Brusa, video teller Artisha Williams, and assistant branch manager–sales Domingo Martinez outside Corporate, ready to let things rip!
North Shore Bank branches held their annual free Community Shredding Day on May 6, and invited the public to bring in sensitive documents for safe and secure destruction. We don’t know yet precisely how many pounds of paper we collected this year, but AVP of marketing communications Kate Knox said it looked like it would end up being about the same as last year, when we brought in over 38 tons. Check out some photos from the branches this year!
Employees raise $7,500 for UPAF at Derby Days

Clockwise from left: Application development manager Katie Nadler, mailroom assistant Colleen Moore, investment processor Kyle Vaclav, facilities and services manager Bob Effinger, retail banking information manager Nathan Dekker, lending quality control manager Jamie Sperk, and application development team lead DJ Bluma race their horses.
Corporate held a “Derby Days” fundraiser for Milwaukee’s United Performing Arts Fund on May 2, featuring lunch and games. About 50 people attended the event, many wearing elegant hats or other accessories in keeping with the theme. The event raised $7,476 for the nonprofit, which provides funding for theater, music, and dance groups in the city and is celebrating is 50th anniversary this year. Check out photos from Derby Days!
Pulaski gives out flowers for Mother’s Day

Pulaski teller Terri Poradek, Katie, and universal banker Sam Frank with some of the flowers.
The Pulaski branch partnered with other local businesses last week to distribute flowers in honor of Mother’s Day. “Each flower had a card on it wishing the recipient a happy Mother’s Day from North Shore Bank, along with an invitation to take advantage of our $200 checking promotion,” branch manager Katie Presser said. “Heather Starr at the Northland branch shared this idea recently, and it sounded like a very fun, creative way to reach out to the community.”
The effort was a collaboration with Mountain Bay Coffee and Gifts. “They advertised on social media that they would have free flowers in the shop over the weekend, compliments of North Shore Bank. Then, as their customers came in, they handed out our flyers and flowers,” Katie said. “They went through all 100 flowers we gave them and said it was a fun, busy weekend in the shop! We haven’t seen any new accounts come in just yet, but I’m hopeful that we’ll see a few new faces in the branch to take advantage of our promotion.” •••
BankNews interviews Summerfield
VP and commercial credit manager Mike Summerfield was recently interviewed in the national monthly magazine BankNews.
In the interview, Mike is asked what characteristic today’s bankers should possess. He replies:
The ability to adapt to change is critical not only for modern bankers, but modern businesses as well. It is very obvious how quickly the world has transitioned to a mobile fueled environment, and there is no doubt there will continue to be technological advancements that will make the current day and age feel archaic. Whether it be new products and services, or changes in how we operate due to cyber security concerns, the ability to adapt and embrace the changes will be essential going forward.
The interview was published in this month’s edition of BankNews. Mike was chosen as a subject after the managers of the Graduate School of Banking at UW-Madison referred him; he graduated from the school in 2014.
You can see a PDF of the full article here. (Mike notes that by the time the hard copy of the magazine went to press, the spelling of “North Shore Bank” — as three words — had been corrected.) •••
New Hires for May 18
It’s always exciting to add new members to our team. Here are some of the fresh faces at North Shore Bank.
Pewaukee teller Melissa Starling is from West Allis and previously worked as a veterinary assistant at Care Animal Clinic in Brookfield. She confesses, “I’m obsessed with animals. Between my grandparents’ home — where I live — my dad’s house, and my boyfriend’s house, I have a Goldendoodle, a Jack Russell terrier mix, and a pit bull, along with two cats.” She adds that her favorite breed is golden retrievers — “and if I could own five, I would.” •••
North Shore Shape Up: Is bagged salad safe?
Berkeley Wellness notes that although bagged salads are certainly convenient and generally safe, there are cases in which they could be contaminated by harmful bacteria. To minimize your risk further, experts advise washing greens even when they’re labeled “ready to eat.” Other good ideas include:
- Buy bagged salads that are refrigerated, have the latest “use by” dates, and show no signs of damage, spoilage, wetness, or slime on the leaves. Leaves should look dry and crisp. Greens that are minimally cut may be less risky than chopped ones.
- Keep salads refrigerated at home, and eat them as soon as possible. Toss them if you notice any juices or slime developing.
- Don’t assume packaged organic greens are safer. Several outbreaks of foodborne illness have implicated them specifically.
- Since pre-washed greens are more expensive, consider just buying unpackaged greens if you plan to wash them anyway.
Stay healthy, folks! •••
Upcoming Events
The Run for Home 5K to Help Victims of Trafficking takes place Saturday, May 20, in Brookfield, Mukwonago, and Waukesha. Elmbrook Church, Brooklife Church, and Brew City Church are partnering with Exploit No More to end human trafficking in Milwaukee once and for all. More upcoming events here.
Internal Job Postings •••
- Traveling Teller, Ashwaubenon, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $300. Internal closing date: May 19.
- Teller, Brookfield Capitol, part time, 20 hours/week. Referral bonus: $300. Internal closing date: May 22.
- Assistant Branch Manager–Operations, Grafton, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: May 23.
- Teller, Cudahy, part time, 30 hours/week. Referral bonus: $300. Internal closing date: May 23.
- Teller, Sturgeon Bay, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $300. Internal closing date: May 23.
- Teller, Wauwatosa, part time, 20 hours/week. Referral bonus: $300. Internal closing date: May 23.
- Customer Assistance Rep, CSC, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: Ongoing.
- Customer Care Rep, CSC, full time, 40 hours/week. Referral bonus: $400. Internal closing date: Ongoing.
For a complete list of internal job postings and to apply for one, go to and click on “Internal Openings” at the top. To refer an external person to an opening, go to our intranet page. You can earn cash and prizes for a successful referral!