CCOC members with the donations from the food drive and Major Quentin Boyle, center, of the Salvation Army. From left to right, CCOC members are: Senior infrastructure specialist Wendy Repka, BSA/AML specialist Stephanie Hallgren, payroll manager Cindy Lohrey, loan funding team leader Sarah Gantner, and Barb Wisneski.
A fundraiser organized by the Corporate Community Outreach Committee to help hungry children brought in $260 and over three barrels of food earlier this month.
During the week of June 5-9, Corporate employees brought in donations for the Salvation Army’s Feed the Kids program. Feed the Kids is a summer meal program for children in Milwaukee’s poorest neighborhoods.
Employees on the 2nd, 5th, and 1st/3rd/4th floors at Corporate teamed up to see which group could fill their assigned barrel with the most food donations. That clearly got people motivated to give: “The Salvation Army had to bring in extra bins today to deliver all the donations for Feed the Kids,” VP and commercial/consumer loan processing and closing manager Barb Wisneski reported.

Barb, Major Boyle, and Sarah with the trophy.
A Salvation Army representative declared the 5th floor the winner. As a prize, the 5th floor received a traveling trophy made by deposit operations supervisor Janet Russell.
A thank-you note from the Salvation Army read, in part:
I am happy that the competition is going so well. It makes my heart sing that these snacks that you collected for us will go to the children this summer in the meals. You are helping us touch the lives of the children that we will be serving this summer. Thank you doesn’t seem to convey the appreciation that we have for what you have done for us, the children and the community.